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Council Information


The Town Council meets monthly, on the first Monday of each calendar month,
usually in the Andy Young Pavilion at 7.30 p.m.  These meetings are open to the
public and there is a ‘public session’ at the beginning of each meeting when Townspeople are able to air their views, ideas and suggestions.  Occasionally it is necessary to hold meetings in between the main monthly meetings in order to meet consultation deadlines for planning applications or other discussion documents.
Agendas for all meetings will be displayed on the Town Council noticeboard (outside the Lecture hall) and on this website at least 4 days beforehand.  Every Town & Parish Council has to hold an Annual Meeting between 1st March and 1st June.  These meetings are public meetings and give an opportunity for Townspeople to hear of the work of the Council and other organisations and to ask questions.

councillors and staff

Since 1894 when the Town Council was established, it has operated with 15 councillors who are elected to serve for a period of four years – they do not receive any payment for being elected members and offer their time voluntarily.

List of Councillors:

Mrs. Lindsey Wood – Town Clerk
Ms. Sonya Ward – Clerk’s Assistant
Tel: 01747 860701

Any questions relating to Town Council’s services and functions should be addressed to:
Mrs.Lindsey Wood, Town Clerk, Mere Town Council, Duchy Manor, Springfield Road, Mere, BA12  6EW.
The office is usually open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays between
10 a.m. & 3 p.m. Tel: 01747860701 or Email:


Although the Town Council is directly responsible for our allotments, cemetery, amenity open spaces and sports fields, we do act as consultees to Wiltshire Council on other matters such as Planning Applications, Development Control, Waste & Recycling, Traffic & Transport,
Highways, Rivers and Footpaths, Housing Needs and Street Lighting and we are in regular contact with the local police authority, youth development workers, NHS, emergency services, Highways Agency and other agencies/organisations that have an interest or connection with Mere.