What We Do
Council Responsibilities
We have a two-tier Local Authority service in Wiltshire with Wiltshire Council being the principal authority and Town & Parish Councils being responsible for many local services and community facilities. We know it can be very confusing to residents as to which Council to contact for which service so here is a brief list of responsibilities:
The main services provided by Mere Town Council are as follows:
- Allotments
- Benches
- Bus Shelters
- Burials & Cemetery provision
- Car Parks (Salisbury Street & Castle Street)
- Events organised and promoted by the Town Council, e.g. Remembrance Service, Christmas illuminations’
- Clock Tower
- Community Support
- Crime Prevention Initiatives
- Defibrillators
- Events
- Floral Enhancements
- Grants to Voluntary Organisations
- Grass cutting
- Litter & litter bins
- Parks, Open Spaces and Play Areas
- Planning matters (acting as a consultee on planning applications to the planning authority)
- Public Conveniences
- Recreation & Recreational Facilities
- Sport & Sports Facilities
- Street Cleaning
- War memorial
Wiltshire Council is responsible for:
- Adult Care – helping adults with disabilities, support & social care, information for carers.
- Adoption
- Business, consumers and licences
- Care and support for adults
- Children and families
- Climate and Ecological Emergency
- Community safety
- Council Tax & Business Rates
- Councillors, committees and elections
- Countryside, coast and parks
- Economic Development
- Education and training
- Elections
- Emergencies and severe weather
- Environmental Health
- Food Safety & Standards
- Footpaths & Rights of Way
- Fostering
- Fly tipping
- Gypsies & Travellers
- Health & Social
- Housing – information and advice about council housing and sheltered accommodation
- Jobs and careers
- Libraries, history and culture
- Parking – information on car parks, parking tickets, blue badges, restrictions & permits.
- Planning, buildings and land
- Public health
- Registration Service
- Roads, highways and maintenance
- Rubbish & recycling
- Street Lighting
- Sport and leisure
- Trading standards
- Transport & travel information
Problems or issues relating to abandoned vehicles, fraud, weather emergencies, dog mess, graffiti, potholes, drain covers, road markings, overgrowth on public roads and paths, fly tipping and street lights should be reported directly to Wiltshire Council using the MyWiltshire reporting facility http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/mywiltshire-online-reporting
For all other Wiltshire Council enquiries, please phone 0300 456 0100 or go to their website www.wiltshire.gov.uk
More information on what Mere Town Council does
The Town Council administers some 89 allotment plots spread around 3 different locations within Mere. The allotments are located at Southbrook (off the Southbrook Road), Wellhead (off North Road) and Jack Paul Close (off Manor Road). The plots vary in size and quality and therefore the rent varies too. Annual rents can vary between £10 and £40.
Allotment tenants are expected to cultivate their plots, control weeds and keep the plots in good condition. The task of maintaining a plot is not to be taken lightly, demanding time, energy and commitment. The rewards, however, are the satisfaction of growing your own fresh fruit, flowers and vegetables and meeting other fellow enthusiasts. Demand for plots has grown nationwide over the last few months and Mere is no exception. We currently have a waiting list for all three sites.
If you would like to rent an allotment please contact the Town Clerk on 01747 860701 or lindseywood@merewilts.org
Click HERE to view an allotment tenancy agreement example.
Andy Young Pavilion
The Pavilion was built by the Town Council in 2006 to provide facilities for local sports clubs and groups. Mere Town Council owns and maintains the Andy Young Pavilion as well as the paths and car parking area and MTC grounds staff maintain the sports ground and keep the grass mown.
Mere Town Council is responsible for maintenance and repairs to the chapels in the cemetery, the clock tower, the clock tower island, Jubilee Garden walls, Pennybank Lane walls, the War Memorial, Huntsgate/Walnut Tree Play Area walls and railings, the old horticultural shed and the telephone kiosk in The Square (where a public access defibrillator is currently located).
Mere Railway Modellers’ Club
This building, in Castle Street Car Park, is owned by Mere Town Council but leased to the Railway Modellers’ Club, who maintain it.
Changing Rooms, Duchy Manor
Mere Town Council is responsible for maintenance and repair, utilities (gas, electricity, water), fire alarm maintenance and water testing. The changing rooms, although mainly used by the football club, are available for community use.
Public Toilets
Mere Town Council took responsibility for the public toilets in Salisbury Street Car Park when it became apparent that they would be closed by Wiltshire Council. We lease the building from Wiltshire Council and are responsible for cleaning and equipment, water and sewerage, electricity, plumbing and repairs, the cleaner’s wages and holiday cover. The Town Council has aspirations to refurbish the public toilets.
Car Parks
Mere Town Council leases Castle Street and Salisbury Street car parks from Wiltshire Council. We are responsible for their maintenance and for paying the rates. Parking is free in the car park and the Town Council believes that it is important to maintain this facility for visitors to the town. By receiving sponsorship from local businesses, some of the car park costs are met.
Mere Town Council also owns the car park at The Fields.
Children’s Play Areas, Recreation and Sports Facilities
Bowling Green
Mere Town Council leases the bowling green to the bowls club who are responsible for maintenance and repairs. https://www.hugofox.com/community/mere-bowls-club-10160/contact/
Croquet & Boules Club (North Road)
Mere Town Council leases the ground to the Mere Croquet & Boules Club who are responsible for its upkeep.
Playground equipment
We have three equipped children’s play areas:
- Recreation Ground
- Castle Hill Play Area
- Walnut Road Play Area
We ensure that the play areas are maintained and that the equipment is safe to use. We carry out our own weekly safety inspections and have a RoSPA annual safety inspection.
Cemetery and Burials
The Town Council is the burial authority for Mere. We are responsible for paying water and general rates, maintaining walls, railings and footpaths, for signs/security, tree and weed management and plumbing repairs. We check the stability of all memorials on a regular basis and try to ensure that the cemetery is mown regularly.