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Chairman’s Report – October 2024

I would like to start with a big thank you to the committee, the volunteers, the entrants and the sponsors for the splendid afternoon and evening entertainment of Mere Carnival.  I hope that I don’t sound like a broken record but it is pleasing to see how Mere benefits from the hardy groups of volunteers for so many enriching activities.  If you go into The Square on a Wednesday morning, you will see a group of walkers setting off with volunteers leading and organising the walks. On Saturdays, you will see volunteers manning the Food Bank.  At various times during the week, you can pop into the library and find it managed by volunteers and alongside them a museum wholly organised by volunteers. I could go on with more examples but I shall stop and ask an important question of you.  Is there some way in which you, too, can enrich our town by giving a hand or sharing your knowledge?  If so, then please do so.

One group of volunteers are the town councillors and last month we heard from residents about their opinions and then looked at planning applications.   If there is a planning application that affects you, please come to a council meeting and talk to councillors in the public session but do make your feelings known on the Wiltshire planning website.  We discussed the slow progress with our applications to Wiltshire Council Local Highways Improvement Group for traffic control changes to improve safety on Hazzards Hill and Edgebridge.  On current form, I cannot see anything happening for at least a year!

We discussed what would be contained in a Town Council response to the public consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework.  I am indebted to a group of councillors who gave up their time to meet again with our Clerk to formulate a response.  Decisions made to increase the supply of houses affects everyone in the country but we felt it important to stress how this should be done in the best way to suit small rural communities like Mere.

The Town Council will soon (November) have its annual budget meeting and I would ask you to let us know where you feel we should be allocating monies to maintain and improve Mere for the benefit of all residents.  DO come along to a council meeting (the first Monday of the month at 7pm at the Duchy Manor site) and say your piece!

John Jordan – Chair, Mere Town Council