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Author: Lindsey Wood

Minutes of Annual Budget Meeting held on Wednesday, 20th November 2024

Mere Town Council

Town Clerk – Mrs. L. C. Wood


Minutes of the Annual Budget Meeting held on Wednesday, 20th November 2024 at 7.00 p.m. at The Andy Young Pavilion, Springfield Road, Mere, BA12 6EW.


Present:  Councillors: Glen Ings (Chairman), Sandra Catley, Aubrey Colman, Rachael Hansford, Clive Hazzard, George Jeans, John Jordan & Lesley Traves



Public Session – No members of public present


Apologies for absence – Cllr. Philip Coward sent his apologies


 Declarations of Interest

  • Hazzard declared an interest in Floral Enhancements & Rental & Town Council workshop compound.



PUBLICATION – Please note that the Town Council will be required to provide a breakdown of expected expenditure and income to Wiltshire Council for them to publish as our precept is likely to be over £140,000


Clerks Notes on Draft Budget Spreadsheet as follows.  Committee members additional comments, changes and decisions are highlighted.




Advertising – no comments

Audit Costs –This heading covers both internal audit fee and external audit fee.

This year’s internal audit fee was £560 and the quotation for this year’s fee was the same

Last year’s external audit fee was £600 but this year we paid £1050.  Scales of fees for Town & Parish Councils external audit fees are based on bands of annual income or expenditure, whichever is the higher.  There are also additional fees if the Annual Returns, supporting information and explanations are not submitted fully and accurately within the required timescales and the external auditors may also apply extra fees where they have to consider objections to the accounts from local electors or exercise special powers in relation to the review or undertake any special investigations.

Our likely fee will either be £840 or £1050 depending on whether our income or expenditure exceeds £400k.  I have based the budget figure on worst case scenario.

Bank charges – Up until now we have not paid bank charges but we have just received a letter from the bank to say that on 14TH January they are changing our Treasurers Accounts to Business Accounts – this will apply to our general and imprest account.  The charges will be £8.50 per month for each business account – that is £204.  There will also be charges for transactions but we will have 100 free electronic payments a month – this includes DDs, SOs and Faster Payments.  So… it is unlikely that we will exceed 100 transactions per month in the year ahead although we will incur costs for cheques paid in and out and cash paid in.  (This occurs at allotment time).  We could reduce the bank charges by closing the imprest account which is only used for Payroll expenses – this would save £102.

Election Costs – Wilts Council will be seeking to recover T & P elections costs for the 2025 main elections.  The suggested fee given by Wiltshire Council in January 2021 for a medium sized parish/town council was between £7938 & £8985. Our reserves were reduced at the 2022 and last year it was agreed to retain reserves of £2700 but budget only £900 in the knowledge that we will need to budget a further £5400 next year I order to meet the 2025 election costs.   Reduce budget to £4900.

Hire of Rooms – no comment

Insurance – In 2022 we entered into a 3-year undertaking to stay with Came & Co.  Therefore, we would need to remain with them until June 2025.  Last time we asked, the other main local council insurer would not provide us with a quotation due to our claim history but I have flagged it up to ask again in early 2025.  The insurance renewal was £4513.99 this year. Suggest budget of £4700

Legal Services – The leases for the toilets & two car parks have been dealt with and legal services paid.  We paid £800 for the licence agreement with Econetiq that got shelved and will have a small fee to pay for the licence agreement with Pluschage. We will have the lease for Office and old Children’s Centre + renewal of lease for Mere Croquet Club + renewal of lease for Railway Modellers Club (the legal fees for the Youth Club lease renewal have been included elsewhere in this report) which we haven’t started on yet.  The Office/Children’s centre one is likely to be complicated but the other two should be straightforward.  I have therefore reduced the reserves to £4000 and suggest we make no budget this year.

Office expenses – I have changed this heading as it used to include servicing computers, software updates, software, internet security etc.  I have now made a separate heading for this.   So… going forward, office expenses will include stationery, stamps, cleaning, office equipment not connected to computers.  Costs for office expenses so far this year have been £921.  Suggest we retain £400 in reserve and budget £1250 for next year.

Petty Cash – no comment

Office rentals/rates – We pay £50 a year in rent but we are responsible for rates.  Last year’s rates cost £1596.80. Suggest budget increase to £1700

Subscriptions – our present subscriptions are:

South West Councils – £499

WALC – £905.14

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust- £36.00

CPRE – £36.00

SLCC – £240

Telephone/broadband expenses – Our current provider is Mainstream Digital:  We have changed over to VOIP phones this year.  Expenditure so far this year is £335.35.  Suggest we reduce reserves to £240 and budget £600 fo next year again.

IT Support – As you know, we are currently seeking some help with an IT support package.  It would be nice to find one provider that can deal with website, email issues, computers, hardware and software.  I have ongoing communication with Tim Cook but, for the time being, I suggest we reduce reserves to £375 for remainder of this year and budget a further £750 for next year.

IT & Software – this is a new budget heading and includes our Scribe Accounting Software (£1487 April 24), anti-virus, AnyDesk remote working software, hardware etc.  We have overspent this year as we needed to pay for remote working software (free provision expired).  I have put in a budget of £2000.  This heading does not include new computers which is listed under Capital Purchases.

Staff & Councillor training :

We have carried out some training from our training requirements list this year.  The current priorities are Play Equipment Inspection & NRSWA + First Aid at Work for Paul.  I would suggest that we go ahead and use the SSEN funding for the NRSWA training courses, as they would enable our staff to work on the highway (clearing drains during floods etc).  Therefore, suggest we retain reserves of £1030 and budget a further £750.

Training requirements (wish list) for grounds staff:  NB the prices were obtained in 2021

  • Simon – RPII (for those responsible for routine inspections of play areas) – £135 (completed)
  • Simon – Legionella (completed)
  • Simon – First Aid at Work course – (completed 2020) due to take place in January 2025
  • Simon – Pest control (completed 2020)
  • Paul & Sam – Brushcutters & Strimmers (completed 2023)
  • Simon & Paul – Basic Tree Inspection
  • Simon & Paul Simon + Paul – IPAF (working from platform (cherry picker) course
  • Sim & Paul– Ride on mowers – £225 + VAT per person
  • Paul – First Aid at Work course @ £90 due to take place in January 2025
  • Simon & Paul – NRSWA (Signing, Lighting & Guarding) @ £175
  • Simon & Paul– NRSWA (Operatives Course) @ £695
  • Simon – Chainsaw cross cutting and felling 380mm diameter £400 completed 2024
  • Paul – Weed spraying (Pesticide – Hand held applications) – £520 completed 2024
  • Training requirements (wish list) for admin staff:
  • Clerk – conferences, seminars as and when available
  • Other admin – CILCA

All staff undertook some basic Health & Safety training in 2024

Travel Expenses – No comment

Data Protection Registration – No comment

Project Management Admin – No comment.  Reduce reserves or budget by £100.

Outsourcing – HR & Payroll, GDPR – no comment.



DUCHY MANOR (Old Children’s Centre)

Rentals/Rates – indication from John Price in 2022 (before he retired) was that the rental would be low, say £100 but that the Town Council would be responsible for all other outgoings i.e. rates.  Making a comparison on rates/size of office, I calculate this to be somewhere in the region of £5-6k (apparently toilets and corridors do not count towards rateable values).  We have £2500 in reserve so I suggest we budget a further £3500.  The Council voted to remove budget allocations last year on the basis that we are not likely to have a lease in the foreseeable future.  As you know, we are making some headway with the draft lease although it is impossible to say when negotiations might end and what the outcome will be.

Heating/Utilities – Currently the Children’s centre is heated by oil.  Don’t know anything about water and electricity.  We have £1000 in reserve.  Suggest we retain reserves and also look into energy solutions for whole of this part of building.

Repairs/Maintenance – As you know, the basis of the draft lease is that MTC will be responsible for the maintenance and we have just asked for some quotes for the building condition survey work.   I am worried that the remainder of the building still has the Crittall windows and flat roof has not received any attention in years.  I would also suggest that members take a look at the old offices – not in a very good state of repair. Suggest we retain £2500 and budget a further £1000.   Recommended that we do not budget a further £1000.



Materials & repairs – Work on the Wellhead car park was carried out in 2019/20 and some of the residents made a contribution towards this work.  Town Council is budgeting funds to build reserves so that this work can be caried out again in the future.  Also, we have identified need for a further water trough at Southbrook – the supply can be piped from the other trough above ground level.    Wessex Internet were going to do this when they put in their pipework but this was planned for spring 2024 and I have heard nothing from them.  Reserves are only £750. Suggest we retain reserves and budget a further £250.  Recommended that we do not budget a further £250.

Pest Control – no comment

Rentals – we agreed a £20 rental increase with the Duchy of Cornwall.  Our annual rental will be £610

Water rates – water is turned off during the winter and used during spring/summer months only.  Usage and therefore cost is largely dependent on weather conditions.  The cost of water at Jack Paul Close allotments (which is the smallest allotment site) is nearly 3 times the amount of water at Wellhead allotments.  Would suggest the reason or this is that it has a standpipe and not a trough and last year it was agreed that we should change the water source to a trough although this hasn’t been achieved yet.  Suggest we reduce reserves to £150 and budget a further £650 again for next year.




Equipment & Furniture – We purchased a small new fridge last year and suggested that there might be a need to have new tables/chairs and replenish kitchen equipment.  Suggest we retain reserves of £230 and budget £270 to build up for these replacements.  Suggest we retain the current reserves of £500 and add another £250 next year. Recommended that we do not budget a further £250.

Fencing & Security –Not aware for any immediate fencing and security issues at the moment. Suggest we retain reserves at £440 & make no budget.

Footpaths & Car Park – Due to the new car park, lighting etc, we removed all reserves last year.  Should we start building reserves for future maintenance?

Gas – We have £800 in reserve.  Suggest we reduce reserves to £400 and reduce budget to £250.

Maintenance/Repairs –  The building was built in 2005 and is now nearly 20 years old and we need to look after it or it will start to deteriorate.  The sewage pump is a bit of an issue and has had some repair work for which we have not yet received the bill.  Suggest we retain reserves of £1390 & reduce budget to £500.

Cleaning Equipment/Materials – No comment

Water & Sewerage – No comment

Consumables – No comment

Fire Alarm Maintenance – We have a contract with Wessex Fire & Security


BAND HUT – The Town Council did agree to build up reserves so that when the roof needs replacing, we have enough money to do the work.  However, we reduced the reserves from £3000 to £750 two years ago and only budgeted £750 last year.  Suggest we budget a further £750 this year although I am aware that the Railway Modellers Club have been doing a lot of maintenance to the building (repairing woodwork and repainting windows).  Suggest we retain reserves of £1500 and budget a further £500.  Recommended to retain reserves of £1500 but make no further budget.

We still need to action getting an asbestos register for the building (as approved last year).  Do we not need to have an asbestos register for Youth Club, Clock Tower etc?


BOWLING GREEN – No budget allocation.  Green is leased to Bowls Club.




I have previously registered my concerns over the reduction of our building reserves as the asset value of our buildings is considerable at £1.2m and the current level of reserves + budget of £16k – £21k  is not sufficient money for us to deal with any kind of catastrophe with our buildings whilst also enabling us to continue with our current service and function level. 


There was a long discussion

Chapels – Chapels are in a state of dilapidation/structural movement is a possible issue.  We got the broken windows to the south chapel repaired in 2019/20 and they are all looking extremely smart – some of this expense was covered by insurance claim and some by Town Council.  The grounds staff have suggested that the doors might need replacing/refurbishing for both chapels and Simon has recently pointed out to me that there are holes in the roof of the north chapel (ridge tile missing & other tiles need replacing) I suggest that we retain reserves of £2345 and budget a further £500 budget.  The Council has authorised me to get a building surveyor in to look at the north chapel.  Incidentally, we have actually used the chapel for services twice this year and received a small amount of income. Recommended to retain reserves of £2345 but make no budget.

Clock Tower – the Town Council spent nearly £16k refurbishing the Clock Tower during 15/16 financial year which diminished reserves.  In 2021 we carried out a Fixed Wire Test of the building and remedial electrical work that was identified.  However, we do have a leaking roof and the grounds staff suggest that this needs looking at.   They also suggest that the front doors could do with a bit of refurbishment/repainting work.  Suggest we retain reserves of £4045 and budget a further £500. Recommended to retain reserves of £4045 but make no budget.

Clock – Back in July the council voted to proceed with the work quoted by the Cumbria Clock Company to repair the strike train at a cost of £2770 + VAT.  There will be extra costs for this because we need to hire a cherry picker (we are going to co-ordinate doing the Xmas lights at the same time so that we don’t have to hire it twice.  The clock won’t need a service in 2024 but will need a service in 2025 the cost of which will be £215.

Clock Tower Island – The committee reduced reserves by £3800 two years ago.  Reserves now stand at £890 so I suggest we budget £200 again.

Jubilee Garden Walls & path – The walkway in Jubilee Gardens was resurfaced in 2021 at a cost of £4150.  Surrounding walls need repointing and initial estimates a couple of years ago were in the region of £1000.  Suggest we retain reserves of £1500 and make no further budget. Recommended to reduce reserves to £1000

Pennybank Lane Walls – Six years ago it was noted that part of the brick wall on the eastern side of Pennybank Lane had been removed and replaced by a fence.  Upon investigation it turned out that Mr. James Chalke had bought the property and had removed the wall believing it to be his.  Mr. Chalke said he would be happy for the Town Council to rebuild the wall and we collected and stored all the bricks so we could rebuild the wall if we wanted to.  Members previously agreed that rebuilding the wall at some point should be a subject for future Full Council discussion (never held).  We had reserves of £3200 to do this but members reduced them drastically two years ago.  Suggest we retain reserves of £750 and start building reserves again by budgeting a further £350 this year.  Recommended to retain reserves of £750 but make no budget.

War Memorial – The War Memorial was completely refurbished/cleaned in 2018 at a cost of £6300 (we did get a grant to help with the cost).  Suggest we retain reserves of £1750 and budget a further  £250 to rebuild reserves.

Huntsgatge Play Area Walls & railings – Hopefully, if the wall got knocked down by a parked car then we would be able to claim off third parties’ insurance.  Sam has repainted the railings.  I would suggest we retain reserves and add a further £250.

Horticultural Shed – Sam has carried out a lot of exterior repainting work although there is still some to do.  Suggest we retain reserves of £1000 and make no budget.

Office – We added UPVC windows some years ago and I am concerned about the flat roof.  The office will need carpeting/decorating at some point in the near future.  I suggest we start building reserves again and have budgeted £500 to add to reserves of £1000

Telephone Kiosk, The Square – we have £250 in reserve.  The telephone kiosk was all painted in 2018.  Not aware of any need for refurbishment/repair.  Suggest no budget.



Vehicle & trailer – We purchased the Mitsubishi in 2015 for £5850.  We paid for major maintenance work on it last year on the understanding that we could nurse it through a couple more years.  Also…. What would we get to replace it? We have reserves of £7000 and suggest we budget a further £1000 to build up reserves to buy new vehicle.

Litter bins –The problem with providing new litter bins is that they have to be emptied which is more work on our grounds staff and the waste has to be removed which is more cost on our waste removal contract.  We have been asked, however, to provide a litter bin for the Edgebridge/Walnut Road area and with the new development at Woodlands Road – this is likely to be more of a demand.  A sturdy metal litter bin costs between £600 & £800.  We also need a new litter bin to go outside the cemetery car park gates.  Suggest we retain reserves of £1040 and purchase the two new litter bins this year.

Replacement tractor/ride-on mowers – We have used up all our reserves on the purchase of the two new ride-on mowers & we need to build up reserves for the replacement ride-on mowers which we should do before they are on their last legs and we become desperate.  Suggest we budget £3000 to add to reserves of £1500

Trimax Mower attachment – our Trimax mower was purchased a long time ago. The grounds staff have carried out extensive work on it during the past couple of years to extend its lifetime but it is going to run out fairly soon and we certainly don’t want it to run it during the spring or summer.  I have received a keen quotation from Hunt Forest for a new model at £8575 which is why I have added £5075 to the budget heading.  Recommended to go ahead and purchase this new mower attachment a.s.a.p.

Office equipment – The Town Clerk’s computer replaced in 2016/17 financial year and Clerks Assistants computer purchased in 2013/14 financial year.  Equipment which was necessary to implement zoom meetings but unanticipated was purchased in 20/21 financial year.  This was justified as Clerk applied for and received a business support grant.  Main printer was replaced last year and Clerk has a second monitor too + Roger had new office chair.  I would suggest that certainly one of the computers should be replaced this year and that we should keep reserves of £1200 and budget a further £225 to build reserves.  Cllr. Jeans suggested that the Council should look for Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) to provide back up to run telephone/office in the event of power cut for next year’s budget.

Seats & benches – the Town Council’s policy is to have these donated.  Please see separate item under Recreation Ground for benches in Rec.

Xmas Lights – We have £680 in reserve for new/replacement lights.  We have had to order 1 new string of lights this year and, fingers crossed, when the lights get erected this weekend, they will all work but sometimes we have to order a new string at the last minute. (one string costs about £200) Suggest we retain reserves and make no budget.

Play Equipment for Castle Hill Play Area – The multi-play unit was purchased in 2014, using Policy R2 funds and the swings had been refurbished a few years prior.  The low level wooden trailway and matting under the swings has just been replaced (October 2024).  We used S.106 money for this work.

Skatepark – it would be lovely to extend the skatepark and do a Phase 2 because it is very popular.  Could possibly get funding for this but I think the feeling is that there are far more urgent items for the time being.

Swimming Pool/Outdoor Gym Equipment – Our intentions were to build an outdoor gym area inside the old swimming pool site and indeed, we filled in the old swimming pool at a cost of £3880.  The whole project was put on the back burner because Mere School wanted to use part of it within the car park expansion project.  This has now been completed and last year we installed a pétanque piste on the site, leaving a good sized area that could accommodate a table-tennis table or we could perhaps use it for calisthenics workout equipment – any of these options could be funded from our S.106 funds and it is possible that Roger can include it within the MUGA refurbishment project.  For the purposes of the budget meeting, suggest we retain reserves of £1120 as this was in fact a third-party grant received for the outdoor gym project.

Public Access Defibrillator – the defibrillator in The Square is a new replacement (insurance claim) that was installed in October 2022 at a cost of £1074. A new defibrillator was installed outside the Walnut Tree  which was partially grant funded. The defibrillator outside the dentist is the oldest. Suggest we retain reserves of £250 and budget a further £250 to build up funds for a replacement.

Storage containers for grounds equipment/staff – As far as I am aware the storage situation is OK at the present

Automated Speed Watch /ANPR Camera – the chairman has suggested that a speed indicator device that collects data would be helpful in demonstrating average speeds on certain roads and my help to prioritise requests for speed limit assessments. Therefore, I have included £1000 in the budget allocation towards this.  There was a long discussion about the requirement for this to help with speed assessments but Cllr. Jeans put forward the case to get a device for Automatic Number Plate Recognition.  It was agreed that this should be a discussion for a future council meeting.

Grounds machinery & power tool replacements – the grounds team would like a battery operated mini-chainsaw, two-wheeled wheelbarrow and various other items of machinery, equipment to help in their day-to-day work.  Suggest we retain reserves of £780 and budget a further £750




Castle Street Car Park – Rates – no comment

Salisbury Street Car Park – Rates – no comment.

Maintenance – Reserves have been reduced during the last three years and now stand at only £1165

Future work requirements:

  • Pointing work on stone walls around Castle Street Car Park.
  • Capping work and some pointing to walls around the Railway Modellers Club.  Also to install some HD bollards as the walls keep getting hit by cars.
  • One of the stone walls in Salisbury Street Car Park is coming away from the pillar – I think it is due to a that have been planted by a resident living adjacent to the car park.
  • Dead tree in Salisbury Street car park.
  • Bay marking for motorbike parking (the current motorbike parking area will be where the new EV chargers are going and so I plan to move the motorbike parking to the other side of the car park)
  • drop curbs to allow for parking on the wide pavements at the entrance to the car park either side

Suggest we retain reserves and budget a further £500

Dropped kerbs by Doctors Surgery – last year we diverted funding that we had previously set aside for a different purpose (no longer required) to be used to provide a dropped kerb by the Doctors Surgery to aid wheelchair access.  I am hoping to proceed with this project in the very near future but will need to get outside contractors to do the work so I suggest that the reserves are retained.

Metal tie support strap for wall in Dark Lane – George Jeans suggested that the wall is unstable and that we should look into providing a metal tie support strap. He has sent me some photos.



Flags – Each flag costs about £160.  Requirement for new flags is slightly dependent on the weather, especially in the winter.  I like to leave enough in reserves to purchase 4 flags a year, if necessary.  Therefore, I suggest we retain reserves of £515 and budget a further £125.  Recommended to retain reserves of £515 but make no budget.

Flag Pole – It was agreed last year that we would investigate the idea of purchasing a new aluminium flag pole rather than repair the old flag pole.  The quotation we received from Hampshire Flag Company was for £5790 + VAT which the council agreed to do given the RA of lowering the old flag pole etc.  However, this quotation included the removal of the old flag pole and our own grounds staff have carried out this task, saving the Council £2780 on this quotation.  Therefore, the costs should be reduced to £3010 (I have allowed a little extra).

Grass seeds & weed control – no comment

Maintenance of floodlight – no comment

Rentals – no comment

Signs/information boards – no comment

Gates/fences & footpaths – we really ought to replace the whole of the fence around Castle Hill and Long Hill as it is in very poor condition.  However, this would cost a substantial amount of money. We have £4394 in reserve for both Castle Hill & Long Hill combined and I am suggesting but we budget a further £1500 lbs for the combined areas. This will give us nearly £6000 which will not be sufficient to carry out the work but may give us some match funding to go to Rural England and ask for a grant to fill the shortfall.

Tree management –This is for Castle Hill only.   Suggest we retain reserves of £1538 and make no budget.



Castle Hill Environment Plan/HLS Scheme – Our environmental stewardship scheme expires in September 2028 and we should continue to receive our grant funding year on year as long as we comply with the conditions, i.e. keep the hill grazed and carry out some scrub clearance. I am concerned that the ground staff are not going to get the opportunity to get any scrub clearance carried out up there again this year (that’s two years running) and it is therefore imperative that we keep the goats grazing on there (see fencing concerns). This budget heading does not really need any funding allocated to it (just time).



Rates – No comment.

Walls, railings & footpaths – Future work requirements are:

  • solve issues around gate on the northeast corner by Barnes place. (The gates don’t meet because the pillars have moved due to large oak tree roots)
  • painting railings
  • pointing perimeter wall where necessary (the walls are not in the best condition and would cost an awful lot to repair if they fell down).

Suggest we retain reserves of £2300 and budget a further £200

Water Rates – No comment

Signs & Security – I would think that £273 may be sufficient to refurbish the solar panels on the Victorian street light at the entrance to the old cemetery.

Tree Management – Reserves are allocated to deal with actions in tree inspection report.  As you know, we have concerns about the state of the yew arch.  Also, you will recall that a tree blew over onto the garden wall of an adjoining landowner last year and I have concerns about other trees/shrubs in the vicinity.  I would suggest that some tree clearance work should take place here.  Indeed, George Jeans has recently met with a resident who has raised their concerns about this although I have yet to meet with him to confirm boundary ownership. Suggest we retain reserves of £1230 and budget a further £500.

Ground & Weed Management – Grounds staff would like to remove some of the spoil from the old cemetery.  This would require the hire of machinery and could be done when footpaths are refurbished or when work on new cemetery is carried out.  Suggest we retain reserves of £180 and budget a further £100

Materials/Repairs – I would suggest that these reserves are added to the Walls/Railings/Footpaths and a concerted effort is made to improve footpaths, gates, railings, walls, fences etc. over the next few years. Retain reserves but make no further budget.



Drainage & paths – Phase 2 of the drainage and path work was carried out last year. Although we will need to build reserves in future years, I would suggest that for now, we retain our existing reserves and make no further budget for the time being.  Recommended to reduce reserves by £1000 to £1000.

Fencing, gates & hedging – I was wondering whether we could divert these reserves into the heading below and make a concerted effort to get the new gates and driveway at least started – it would give us £3705 with the reserves and budget I am suggesting.

New gates & drive – See above suggestion: We can get new gates from The Iron Works and Gate Company in Malmesbury for £650 –

Suggest we contact them and see if they can do a couple of sets of railings too and perhaps, we could then afford to build a couple of pillars and two sections of short wall with our Mere stone. Suggest we retain reserves of £2500 and budget a further £500.  Members agreed with this suggestion and recommended that this work proceed during the financial year.

Water – No comment

Planting scheme – No comment.

Lych Gate – Members have historically said that although this was an aspiration which was financially unviable but requested that I keep it as a budget heading in case the situation changes.

Signage – Signage & new noticeboard was replaced in 2021. No reserves.  No budget.

Burial Books – no comment



CHAIRMAN’S EXPENSES – No comment.  The Chairman confirmed that he felt the level that the expenses were set at was adequate to meet the actual expenses.





Electricity – Please remember that the office electricity supply (which provides heating as well as lighting/computer comes from the changing rooms supply as well as the MUGA lights).  The adult football club are using the showers although the electricity costs for the changing rooms have never historically been large and gas has always been more of a concern.  However, this year I have noticed an increase at a time when the Town Council has not had any heating on in the office and I am aware that the football club have been running electricity over to the Rec and running a burger bar under some kind of gazebo (I don’t know whether or not this was a one-off so I would suggest this should be monitored).  Anyhow, owing to increased energy prices, I suggest we increase reserves to £750 and budget a further £1000.  Aspiration would be to change the water heater/showers in the changing rooms to something a little more user friendly.

Fire Alarm Maintenance – no comment.

Gas – now that the football club are carrying out their own legionella testing it means that we do not have to run showers/light boiler so frequently and the gas bills are not too high. Football club have been able to pay the gas usage.  I suggest we retain reserves of £400 and budget a further £250.

Maintenance/Repair – Two years ago, the Clerk recommended that the Town Council should spend reserves and decorate and smarten up the changing rooms but, unfortunately, the Town Council did not agree and they recommended that all reserves be removed from this budget heading (£1572).  We did budget £300 last year and the football club have redecorated the changing rooms this year in lieu of a reduction to their fee.  I suggest we retain remaining reserves of £250 and budget a further £250.  Recommended to retain remaining reserves of £250 and budget a further £150.

Security – no comment.

Water & sewerage – as Gas above.  The water usage is likely to increase due to increased football usage.  I suggest we retain reserves of £330 and budget a further £200 for next year.

Boiler Maintenance & water testing – We have one contractor to service the big boiler and another to service the smaller boiler although he has advised that we need to install an isolation valve to isolate the supply from the school supply in the event of a leak or fire.  He is unable to issue us with a full certificate without this.  I have informed the EA.  Water testing is carried out by the football club and professionally if thought necessary or prudent.  Suggest we retain reserves of £800 and budget a further £200.  Recommended to retain reserves of £800 but make no budget.



The Town Council has aspirations to be proactive with climate change initiatives such as solar panels for Duchy Manor, changing rooms and/or public toilets, EV charger for Duchy Manor and possibly Castle Street car park. Reserves have been built up, depleted and built up again over the last three or four years. Last year there was a discussion about getting solar panels for the roof of the town council offices and changing rooms and whether or not there might be grant funding available to help with such a project. Suggest we retain reserves of £4320 and budget a further £500.  Cllr. Jordan said that we had £4320 sitting in reserves with no real plan of how we are going to use this money.  Recommended that we remove £3820 from reserves, leaving £500 and make no budget.  However, between now and next year we should seek advice and obtain surveys for energy saving and alternative energy solutions.


Community Resilience Group – members may recall that this was grant funding secured by Cllr Rachel Hansford in order to appoint a contractor to co-ordinate the Community Resilience Group. This purpose is no longer necessary and I would suggest that the funds are used for the training for our ground staff and generators for public buildings as these would be suitable alternative uses under the community resilience umbrella. Recommended to take up this suggestion and use the funds for streetwork & signage training for our staff (NRSWA)


Croquet & Boules Club – Time resources have not allowed for any work in preparing the lease renewal for the Croquet & Boules Club although the funding for this is under a different budget heading.   We have concerns about the future of the club as it had depleted membership and much land maintenance to do or fund which will revert to us if the club folds.  I did hear, however, that membership had improved slightly on the back of the AIM event we held.  Members should be aware that there ae also issues with a large beach tree to the left of the gate which, incidentally, is not on the Town Council’s tree register.  Suggest we retain reserves at £500.


DEFIBRILLATORS (Maintenance) – No comment.



Maintenance – Future work requirements:

  • Fencing between Duchy Grounds and Burton Path needs some attention
  • Fencing along eastern boundary also needs some attention
  • Pest control would now appear to be an annual expense of about £750.

Suggest we retain reserves of £950 and budget a further £1000.

Rates – No comment

Rentals – No comment

Security/Safety/Lighting – One of the lighting bollards was damaged by vandalism.  Having spoken to the manufacturers, they tell me it is not possible to replace the broken components but that the whole bollard needs to be replaced at a cost of £340 + installation costs.  Therefore, suggest we retain reserves of £370.

Signs – Would like to get a Mere Town Council sign.  I know this has been previously approved in any case.  Would suggest largish sign on two posts and now that school expansion works have been completed, we can agree wording and location etc.  Suggest we retain reserves of £300 and budget a further £100

Tree Management – Funds should be retained in order to respond to actions within tree inspection report.   We still need to plant two smaller trees to replace the two felled poplar trees.  Suggest we retain reserves of £1190 and budget a further £300.


EVENTS –  VE Day 80 will be commemorated on 8th May 2025.  Encouraging Beacons and Lamp Lights of Peace and raising of unique VE Day flag.  I would suggest that it is going to be very difficult for the Town Council to arrange too much for this event given that elections will be held on 1st May and the first Town Council meeting is likely to be 12th May.


FINGERPOST SIGNS – We were successful in receiving a grant for £400 towards the refurbishment of one fingerpost at the end of 2020 financial year and another one at the beginning of 2021 financial year.  We now have all the letters/numbers to complete the two signs that we want to repair so suggest we retain reserves of £800 and add another £200





Footpath Group – this is the Footpath Group’s money

Seed money to tarmac Burton Footpath – £1000 was taken out of reserves last year.  Do you want to start building up reserves again?  (We were building up reserves to act as seed money for LHFIG request. )  Recommended to remove the £700 in reserve.



Small Tools & Equipment – No comment

Branded Work Clothing – No comment



Fuel & Oil – Need to increase budget as cost of fuel & oil has increased.  Suggest we reduce reserves slightly to £2000 and budget £5780

Hedge cutting – Although we have bought a new tractor, I am not sure that we can afford to buy a hedgecutter attachment so, unfortunately, we cannot yet do away with having contractors in.  Suggest retain reserves of £500 and budget a further £400.

Hedge planting/gates/fences – No comment.  Recommended to make no budget.

Play equipment repairs (in house) – We have just received the 2024 RoSPA Inspection report which identifies various works and repairs, most of which can be carried out “in house”.  Recommended to make no budget.

Seats & benches (repairs & maintenance) –No comment.  Recommended to make no budget.

Signs – no comment. Recommended to make no budget.

Hire of Equipment/machinery – Recommended to include a new budget heading ‘Hire of Equipment’ in order to save the grounds staff time i.e. hiring chippers, dumper trucks.  The inclusion of this heading may also allow us to carry out jobs that would otherwise need to be carried out by outside contractors.

Weed Control – no comment

Vehicle road tax & insurance –No comment.

CCTV and/or Wildlife Cameras – We have suffered vandalism in the past and we occasionally get “hot spots” which move – sometimes it is the pavilion, sometimes it is Salisbury Street Car Park & other times it is the cemetery.  We also have little problems like someone repeatedly allowing a dog into the new cemetery, or someone deliberately leaving the gate open on Castle Hill to let the goats out so we wondered if some kind of more mobile CCTV might prove to be useful.  I am not sure how this would work with GDPR though.  We budgeted £500 three years ago so that we could consider this which is now in reserves. Suggest retain reserves.

Rental for storage containers/compound – Rental is £3600 per year (£100 per container, per month).  The Town Council has three containers at Townsend Nurseries and the tractor is houses in another large shed.  I am not aware of any other suitable location to use as a compound area although we have got an interest registered with Wiltshire Council.  The problem at the present time is that there is not enough space to store all our equipment in one location and the grounds staff spend a lot of time going from one place to another to pick up one piece of equipment before they can actually get on with their work.

Other storage facilities – the Town Council does use a large shed at Southbrook for storage.  This shed needs some attention and would like to retain reserves of £300 but make no budget.


GROUNDS MACHINERY – This section is for maintenance, service & repair costs only. Any new machinery or replacement machinery comes under capital purchase. Obviously, it is not practical or desirable to spend more money on repairs than it would be to buy a new piece of equipment.  However, sometimes a chainsaw or a strimmer can be repaired several times but each time the repair cost is minimal.  I would like to point out that Paul has significant experience with machinery & vehicle maintenance and the grounds staff now carry out a lot of maintenance work themselves which saves us a lot of money.  i.e. Trimax.  Please note also that if the council does decide to purchase a new Trimax roller mower then I would suggest we remove the £1650 in reserve for maintenance as a new machine should not require much in the way of maintenance during the first year.  As the recommendation was to purchase the new Trimax then members agreed that the reserves should be removed also.





Outsourcing Health & Safety – our contract with Guardian Advisors is working well, we have received some training, some Risk Assessments, a Fire Risk Assessment for the pavilion and shown Keith around our premises etc.  We have First Aid training taking place in Januay and we are currently waiting for a DRAFT H&S Management Document.

Fire Safety – No comment. 

First Aid – No comment.

Pest Control – I have moved the funds under this heading to Duchy Manor Sports Ground.

Play Equipment Inspection – No comment

PPE – No comment

Tree Inspection – We have been building reserves for the tree inspection which should take place this year (every 4 to 5 years).  However our arboriculturist contractor has changed career direction and so I have had to go out to tender for a new tree inspection contractor. I have sent emails to various companies/contractors but sadly only two have come back asking me for further details which I have provided. I am now waiting for quotations.

Retain reserves of £1800 and budget a further £600.

Signs/barriers – No comment

PAT testing – No comment.  Due to be carried out shortly.

Fixed Wire Testing – Our H&S advisors have requested that we get all our buildings tested every five years.  I am now waiting for quotations.

Legionella Risk Assessment – no comment.


HUNTSGATE (WALNUT ROAD) PLAY AREA – we should now start building reserves for maintenance/replacement parts and equipment.



Tree Works – Tree Inspection Report has identified an awful lot of ash dieback that will need dealing with but this is complicated as could involve the need for a Forestry Commission licence.  We have a vast amount of ash die back but will be concentrating on removing trees that are nearest the footpaths.  I am hoping that much of this work can be done ‘in house’ now that we have the appropriate chainsaw tickets for our ground staff. However, the very old and large Beech trees on the southern perimeter of Long Hill are a cause for concern as they are now showing signs of old age and stress and losing limbs.   Suggest we retain reserves of £2000 and budget a further £1000.

Fencing & Hedge cutting – Please see comments under Castle Hill – Gates/Fencing/Footpaths on page 7 of this report.  Recommended to make no budget which would provide slightly less money to provide match funding for fencing grants.

Water Supply – No comment



Maintenance& Floodlights –– Roger is doing some consultation work on refurbishing this facility at the present time.  There may also be an opportunity to get some match funding from Sport England.  Suggest we retain overall reserves but make no budget.



I am not aware that the Neighbourhood Plan needs funding from the Town Council.


Payroll – to discuss at meeting under ‘CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS’ – see additional confidential information




VisitWiltshire – the Town Council has decided not to subscribe to VisitWiltshire again.  We will be using the Explore Wiltshire Events platform to promote events in the town instead this year and we will be claiming funding from the Wiltshire Towns Programme to add the events/data.

Website – the Town Council’s website was reworked four ears ago to comply with the new website accessibility requirements but the requirements have been changed again and more work is needed on the website.  I am currently exploring options for an all-encompassing IT package so suggest we retain reserves of £415 and budget a further £550.



Personnel fee for holiday cover & extra cleaning – we have recently contracted MG cleaning to carry out holiday cover for the public toilets which was successful although I have not yet received an invoice. Suggest we retain reserves of £300 and budget a further £500.

Service Contract for Wallgate units – I am awaiting a price for the service contract for the newer Wallgate unit in the toilet block that is being used (obviously we don’t really want to service the old unit that is in the gents toilet bloc as it is not being used and the unit would probably need to be replaced in any case).

Cleaning Equipment – No comment

Cleaning Products – No comment

Dispensers –  We have learnt that it is better to buy the more expensive stainless-steel ones than the cheaper plastic ones.  Retain reserves of £144 and make no budget.

Security – since locking the toilets at night we have not suffered from any vandalism shall I suggest we make no budget for security.

Plumbing & Repairs – Suggest we retain reserves of £715 and make no budget.

Electricity –No comment

Water & sewerage – No comment

Refurbishment Costs – following last month’s town council meeting Roger is reviewing this project.  Whatever the level of refurbishment that is eventually agreed by the town council it will require funding and the town council should maybe think about the level of funding it wants to apply to this project and how that funding is to be achieved i.e. Via the precept or a loan.



Gates, fencing, hedges, locks & security – No comment

Hedge cutting – This is an issue and I would like to revisit the controversial concept of reducing the height of the hedge drastically as its present height causes a lot of problems for cutting and maintenance.  Also, I wonder if we should fill in the archway gaps that have been created by residents as a shortcut.

Health & Safety – no comment

Legal/valuations – no comment

Play Equipment/Area – From our Project Co-Ordinator’s consultation exercise on the Walnut Road Play Area, it is fairly evident that the community would like us to spend some money on refurbishing the play area in the Recreation Ground.  Members removed reserves in the knowledge that S.106 funding could be used for this purpose and I know that it is now high on the work schedule for Roger.

Signs – Would like to replace the large  ‘Regulations’ sign in the Recreation Ground as it is now quite old and tatty.  Suggest retain reserves of £495 and make no further budget.

Tennis Courts – I think it is unlikely that our S.106 funding is going to stretch to refurbishing the tennis courts in the future, I would suggest that we should start building up some funds for future maintenance.

Water Rates – No comment

Litter bins –A fireproof bin cost us £450 – £550  Suggest we retain reserves of £450 and budget a further £100 so that we have enough funding to purchase another one if needed.

Trees – We have been building reserves in order to get extra tree work done to crown lift the TPO trees on eastern boundary – both sides – so that farmer can get underneath with tractor etc.  Last year, I received a quotation for this work at £1430 (quotation now expired).  We have lost a couple of very large limbs on the farmers field side this year.  Also, there is a tree in the corner of the Rec that has limbs very close to electricity wires.  Suggest we retain reserves of £2016 and add a further £500 so that we can respond to recommendations made within the tree inspection report.

Skate Park maintenance – The skatepark is very popular and is wearing well although there are some minor small cracks appearing in the concrete.  Maverick (the people that installed the skatepark) have been extremely helpful and have been out and filled in the cracks free of charge on two separate occasions.  Suggest we retain reserves of £400.

Car Park Repairs – We are receiving a number of complaints about the state of the car park for the Recreation Ground even though our grounds staff did try to do some levelling work on it last year but it is now back to potholes and uneven ground.  I am not sure how we do it but would suggest that we do need to give this some attention (and funding) fairly soon.  Suggest we retain reserves of £900 and budget a further £2000.  Recommended that this be given priority.

Youth Club – Four years ago I amended the reserves to £6000 which is the sum that we have promised the Seeds4Success to be put towards their project.  This is the wording I put in my report which was subsequently approved by the Town Council: ‘Mere Town Council will consider, at its Annual Budget Meeting each year, the budgeting and allocation of grants or donations to Seeds4Success to go towards this project until the building has been completed and thereafter, will consider, upon request, grants or donations to Seeds4Success to be used towards repair/maintenance costs of the building that may be necessary or required.’  We budgeted £1000 to add to these reserves three years ago and the reserves stood at £7000.  However, members removed £3000 from reserves two years ago but did put another £1000 in last year to bring the level in line with the promised amount.  I suggest we retain reserves of £6000 and budget a further £1000.  Recommended to retain reserves of £6000 but make no budget.

Public Toilet for Recreation Ground – no comment

Bench seating for Recreation Ground – the Town Council is happy to consider applications for donated seats and benches.



This is money which has been awarded to the Rivers Group as a grant.



The limit of expenditure for S.137 during 2024/25 is £10.81 per elector (10.81 X 2550 = £27,565)

At the request of Mere Matters we reduced their S.137 grant last year to £300 on the understanding that we would give Mere Foodbank an extra £100.  Mere Matters have requested that we reinstate their full grant for 2025/26 and so I am not sure what the Council will want to do about the Foodbank’s donation.

Area Board Support Gants – The Town Council donated £500 to The Grove Building this year.   Suggest we retain reserves of £500 and budget a further £500.

LHFIG Commitments/Projects – We have requested that the 30mph speed limit is extended in Shaftesbury Road – it is anticipated that our contribution towards this work will we be £2511.69.  However, the residents have agreed to pay the Town Council £1000 towards this (net cost to the TC would be £1511.69) .  We have requested two street name signs from LHFIG and it is anticipated that our contribution towards them will be £280.  Heaven knows what our contribution towards the Town Centre Traffic Management proposals and the Clements Lane/Edgebridge proposals would be.  My guess is £32,000?!.  Suggest we retain reserves of £4625 and budget a further £2000.  Recommend we retain reserves of £4625 and reduce the budget to  £1000 on the basis that, given the rate of progressing LHFIG projects, we are unlikely to have any others progress during the next financial year.




Bing bags & consumables – No comment

Protective Clothing – No comment

Commercial Waste Collection – Wiltshire Council have contracted out this service and we now have a direct contract with Hills Waste.  However, we were repeatedly being charged for excess weight and so now we have an extra bin and we have noticed a reduction in our waste collection charges.  I have therefore reduced the reserves to £1000 and suggest we reduce our budget to £2000 for next year.

Dog waste bags – We are getting through these rather rapidly although I am sure the provision is appreciated, not least by our own staff but we have noticed that some people just go and take loads of the bags.  However, I don’t suppose this matters as long as they are using them.    I have reduced reserves to £500 and suggest we budget £800 again for next year.  Recommended to reduce reserves to £500 and reduce budget to £400 on the suggestion that dog owners should provide their own poo bags.

Street Cleaning Machine – a resident has suggested that we should purchase a street cleaning machine that will also pick up dog poo under the assumption that it will transform the efficiency of our street cleaning!  The cheapest machine has a cost of £13k so I thought you would prefer me not to include this in the budget report.



Cllr. Jeans requested that some money be put aside for additional street lighting.  One in Dark Lane, on the left-hand side when you come out from the Doctors Surgery steps, one for Jupes Lane/Pettridge Lane junction

He said he was pursuing the repair of a street light in Church Street.  Recommended that a budget of £2000




Paint/brushes/tools – this is mainly for equipment & consumables to enable our Street Orderly to carry out town enhancements e.g. painting litter bins, railings, bollards etc.  Unfortunately, the paint for the railings is very expensive



We have been wondering whether this might be a suitable site to provide a community orchard area with seating and perhaps play equipment for very young children e.g. sandpit, games panels etc. or an outdoor gym or calisthenics fitness site.  Either way, I am sure that S.106 funding or grant funding might be appropriate but suggest we budget £500 for maintenance.  Recommended that no budget be made.



Road Name Signs

This is another function that has now been dumped onto – sorry – delegated to Parish & Town Councils by Wiltshire Council.  Suggest we retain reserves of £790 and budget a further £200.



Install EV charging point for car park –  As we have now signed the licence agreement with Pluscharge, I am suggesting that we remove this budget heading and the reserves altogether.






Allotments – If we want to apply an allotment rental increase we need to give 1 year’s notice. We sent out a letter to all allotment holders in March 2023 giving them a year’s notice that we would be applying a 10% increase to all allotment rents w.e.f. March 2024.  The allotment rents received during the previous financial year amounted to £1951.70.  Recommend that notice of a 10% increase is given in March 2025 (increase effective March 2026)


CAR PARKS – Sponsorship pledges by businesses – I have raised my concern that some of the sponsor businesses have changed hands and I think it was agreed that Cllr. Hazzard & Cllr. Jeans would revisit the businesses to seek new and renewed pledges.  However, as far as I am aware, this hasn’t happened yet and so therefore I have reduced the expected income for next year.  We have recently sent out sponsorship invoices and there are a number of businesses that have not paid, so I might have been a bit optimistic with my estimated income figure!!


Cemetery (Burial fees & charges) – The average annual cemetery income from 1.4.19 to 31.3.23 is £8673.  This is totally unpredictable because, as you can see, we have already received £11,685 this year.  I carried out some fairly extensive research into local cemetery fees about 5 years ago and we were comparable at that time.  Last year the Council approved an increase in cemetery fees by 10% for 24/25.  Recommend that a 10% increase in cemetery fees is applied again w.e.f. 1.4.2025


CIL & Policy R2 – We have just (last week) received a CIL receipt for one of the dwellings built at Underdown Mead.  We have received a revised planning application for 7 dwellings on the Catholic Church site and so that may produce some CIL receipt for 2025/26??  A new dwelling next to Green Pastures in North Road has also just started work and so I will ask Wiltshire Council whether CIL funds can be expected.


Croquet & Boules Club Rent –We are expecting their rental to revert to the full £500 next year???  (They have had 2 years at half rental)  Recommended to continue half-rental for 2025 – reduce to £250 – so that the Croquet & Boules Club is in line with Petanque.


Duchy Manor rentals –it is my understanding that we either intend to get some income or provide some kind of beneficial service from the space at the old children’s centre when and if we require it.  I have not included any income at this stage though.


Floral Sponsors – No comment


Forest Deer Leazes – discussed earlier this year.


Grants & Donations – No comment


HLS Scheme – We extended our contract for the HLS Scheme for another 5 years and I have submitted a claim for the grant for this year.


Interest – This has been increased in anticipation of continued increased interest from the CCLA account.


Policy R2/Section 106 – We received the second phase of S.106 funding from Woodlands Road Development but since it is restricted reserves I have not included it in the budget figures.  (You will see from the summary that I have deducted the remainder of the S.106 reserves from the working balances)


Sale of Assets – No comment.


Sports Clubs fees  – No comment.  I have applied the annual 3% increase across the board.  It was agreed that the Chair & Vice-Chair have discussion with the Chairman of the Bowls Club with a view to asking them for a fee of £500 to keep them in line with the Croquet & Boules Club.

Minutes of Town Council meeting held on Monday, 2nd December 2024

Mere Town Council

Town Clerk – Mrs. L. C. Wood


Minutes of a meeting of Mere Town Council held on Monday, 2nd December 2024 at 7.00 pm in the Andy Young Pavilion, Duchy Manor, Springfield Road, Mere


Present: Councillors John Jordan (Chair), Glen Ings (Vice-Chair), Debbie Beale, Nick Beale, Aubrey Colman, Philip Coward, Rachael Hansford, Clive Hazzard, Raymond Hill, George Jeans, Linden Stone, Kate Symonds & Lesley Traves.


6 members of the public


Public Participation Session

Margaret Wilson Smith & David Luard spoke in objection to the planning application PL/2022/06955

Nicholas Gosse stated that he had sent Wiltshire Council a Freedom of Information request relating to covenants and conditions regarding the disposal of the site by the Clifton Diocese which currently has the old St. Mary’s Catholic Church

Mr. Graham Sheppard raised some questions regarding the lighting and drainage in the Lordsmead Footpath

Mrs. Debbie Beale said that a resident had asked her to share her objection to advertising banners being displayed on the clock tower.

Reports from local police representatives – None present

  1. Apologies for absence received from Cllrs Rodney Coward and Sandra Catley


  1. To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting.
  • R. Hill declared a personal interest in Planning Application PL/2024/09884
  • Rachael Hansford declared a personal interest in Planning Application PL/2024/09884
  • The Clerk declared a personal interest in Planning Application PL/2024/10645


  1. Minutes RESOLVED that the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday, 4th November 2024 be approved as a correct record (Minutes attached). The Budget Committee RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Annual Budget Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 20th November 2024 be approved as a correct record (Minutes attached).


  1. Matters Arising from Public Session

As all matters raised in the public session were covered in the agenda there was no further discussion.


  1. Matters Arising from previous Meetings (not covered by other agenda items)



  1. Reports & Consultations
  2. a) Wiltshire Councillors Report – Cllr. Jeans raised the point of judging the Xmas Lights and Cllrs Debbie Beale and Nick Beale agreed to do the judging on behalf of the Town Council. Jeans also said that a recently published consultation document LTP4 may be of interest and could contain information that may be relevant to help with the Town Council’s concerns for pedestrian safety along Edgebridge.

*b) Project Co-Ordinator’s Report (attached) – With regards to the Public Toilets, the Chairman informed members that Cllr. Hazzard and Cllr. Hill were working on ideas for the public toilets and there would be more proposals/suggestions to be put to the Town Council for consideration at a future meeting.  The Chairman also confirmed that there had been some information today on the lighting of the Lordsmead Footpath which was still not conclusive although did require us to provide some more information before they would be willing to adopt the lighting. The Chairman proposed that, in order to push this matter forward, the Town Council should agree to pay the lighting invoice which had been estimated at an annual cost of between £40 & £160 for electricity usage although there would be more for maintenance – total an annual cost estimated to be less than £450 p.a. & then take steps to try and address the matters that Wiltshire Council have listed in order to try and get the lights adopted, subject to costs involved.  However, this proposal was not carried with a vote of 6 for and 7 against.  RESOLVED that this be raised as an agenda item for the next meeting so that members are fully aware of Wiltshire Council’s requirements and some idea of the costs.


  1. Planning
  2. a) Applications for consultation response:


Application Type: Full planning permission
Proposal: Carry out alterations to access, erect 6 no semi-detached dwellings and 1 no detached dwelling with associated parking and access arrangements (demolish existing church).
Site Address: Land North of St Marys Catholic Church, Pettridge Lane, Mere, BA12 6DG
Applicant: Clifton Diocese
Planning Register Link:


*Representation letters in respect of the above application have been received and redacted copies are included in the Clerks Report.

Cllr. Jeans explained that it may be possible to argue that this was overdevelopment although this was subjective and he also explained how, should the highways department not raise any objections, the residents could mount a campaign to challenge this.  He also explained that it was difficult to enforce any covenants that may be attached to the site.

RESOLVED to reiterate the Town Council’s previous response to this planning application.  i.e. approve with all the same conditions that were applied previously.

Cllr. Hill asked if the Town Council could write to the Diocese and say that it has been brought to our attention that there may be conditions or covenants relating to the bequest of this land/site in relation to it being used for the benefit of the community in perpetuity and ask them if they are able to clarify the situation.


Application No: PL/2024/09884
Application Type: Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area
Proposal: T1 Birch 1/3 Reduction, shaping, target pruning
Planning Register Link:

RESOLVED to recommend approval of the above application.  (Cllrs. Rachael Hansford & R. Hill declared a personal interest in this planning application and refrained from discussion or voting).

Application No: PL/2024/09811
Application Type: Householder planning permission
Proposal: Attic conversion and installation of dormer window and 4no rooflights.
Site Address: 8 Lovage Way, Mere, Warminster, BA12 6RU
Planning Register Link:

RESOLVED to recommend approval of the above application but to provide an informative that the householder is required to seek permission from the Duchy of Cornwall for the proposed works as well as planning permission from the planning authority.

Application No: PL/2024/10147
Application Type: Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area
Proposal: 1 – Sycamore tree – crown raise lower limbs to clear garage roof and Council land 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 – 6 x Sycamore trees – crown raise lower limbs to clear driveway 8 – Ash tree – crown raise to clear driveway 9 – Ash tree – crown raise to clear driveway and footpath
Planning Register Link:


RESOLVED to recommend approval of the above application.


Application No: PL/2024/10645
Application Type: Full planning permission
Proposal: Create new agricultural field entrance into field where no road access currently exists.
Planning Register Link:

As this planning application had arrived after the agenda had been published, members were asked whether they wished to consider it at tonight’s meeting or leave it until the January meeting.  RESOLVED to consider the application tonight.  RESOLVED to recommend approval of the above application subject to no objection being raised by the Highway Authority.

* b) NEW APPLICATION for Premises Licence in respect of Sprout and Flower, The Square, Mere.  BA12 6DJ (details in Clerks Report & application form & plans attached))

RESOLVED to support the above application.

*c) Consultation for redevelopment of Fives Court into Affordable Housing Independent Living apartments for people of 60 years and older – deadline for comments is 12th December 2024.  (Consultation Boards attached)

Members were encouraged to submit their own individual consultation responses, but it was agreed that a collective ‘Town Council’ response would be submitted as follows:

On the whole members felt that the plans provided had been coherently developed with provision for mobility scooters, recycling and refuse facilities.  The individual accommodation appeared to be of a reasonable size with good living spaces for residents.  Keeping to the existing footprint of the building is to be applauded with redevelopment to provide 20 affordable independent living apartments for those aged over 60 with a modern emergency call system although there was no information as to how the response to those emergency call systems would be made.  Given that 20 apartments were being proposed, a big concern, however, was the adequacy of parking provision at only 14 or 15 parking spaces, particularly as it would be likely that some vehicles used by residents would need disabled access.  An assurance that residents would be less likely to have their own vehicles seemed to be based upon assumptions about vehicle requirements of residents in similar properties in other towns/locations but it needs to be pointed out that Mere is not served well by public transport and, in our experience, the majority of our 60+ population would have either 1 or two cars and only a very small minority would have none.  (Amesbury is well served by public transport whereas public transport in Mere is extremely limited by comparison).  Furthermore, Mere town centre already suffers from parking congestion with much of the town centre parking restricted to a one-hour time limit during the day, so on-site parking provision will be a key consideration.  Members also stressed the importance of the car parking areas being designed for cars to be able to manoeuvre properly and that there should be provision for visitor parking and delivery vehicles.

  1. Highways, Rivers, Footpaths, Traffic & Transport
  2. a) To identify jobs for the Parish Steward, Sparkle Team and MyWiltshire reports –
  • Castle Street – the pavement towards Gillingham Corner has narrowed due to encroaching soil on the path.
  • Clements Lane – hedge overhanging pavement and forcing pedestrians out onto the road.

*b) Invitation to North Dorset Transport Action Group Meeting, Monday, 9th December 2024 at 2.30 pm the Council Chamber, Shaftesbury Town Hall. (details in Clerks Report & agenda attached) – The Chairman said that he would attend this meeting on behalf of the Town Council.

  1. c) Report on LHFIG meeting held on Wednesday, 13th November 2024 – the Chairman confirmed that 40% of next year’s LHFIG budget has already been allocated and there were general complaints from other Parish Councils about how long their pending issues were taking to implement. It was explained that only 1.5 days of the Wiltshire Council Officer’s time was allocated to LHFIG projects per week and he deals with other highway projects during the other 3.5 days of the week. Jeans thought it might be likely that the LHFIG would not be able to take on any new tasks next year.


  1. Buildings, Open Spaces, Play Areas, Sports Grounds, Car Parks, Allotments & Cemeteries

*a) Evaluation of Mere Firework event held on 9.11.24 and approval for next year’s event to be held on 8.11.25 – Cllr. Ings confirmed that all the money raised from this event, over £10,000 this year, goes directly to the children – theatre trips, science days, new laptops, enhanced internet and it makes a big difference to the pupils.  Members felt that the event was well organised and were happy to support this event.

*b) To consider banner requests from organisations for events in 2025 – as per Town Council’s banner policy – the Clerk confirmed the requests for banners for 2025 had been received for:

The Tower Stories Event (Medieval Fair) – 20-22 June

Mere Carnival – mid September

The Mere Literary Festival – 13-19 Oct

Mere Gardening Club – Scarecrow Festival – 13-15 June

Stars Appeal, Spring Fair OR Autumn Fair

Cllr. Debbie Beale reiterated that there was a resident that was not happy about having a banner on the Clock Tower as it was a Listed Building, and she said that she concurred with this view.   As all were very good causes, members found it very difficult to prioritise, but it was eventually agreed that the Mere beneficiaries should be selected.  Cllr. Jeans said that the Stars Appeal and any other worthy funding raising activities taking place in Mere were very welcome to use the wall on his building for an advertising banner.


  1. Finance, Policy & Resources

*a)  PaymentsRESOLVED to authorise schedule of payments (attached).  The Chairman said he was very pleased to hear the Clock Tower chiming again.

*b) To note the reconciliations for October 2024; the Chairman confirmed that he had verified the bank reconciliation against the bank statements and signed accordingly.

*c) To adopt recommendations made by Budget Meeting, as shown in Minutes of Budget Meeting held on Wednesday, 20th November 2024 (Minutes attached) – The Chairman pointed out that the precept increase would be 4.98%, taking the Band D charge from £158.69 to £166.60 for the 2025/26 financial year and proposed that this be adopted.  Proposal seconded by Cllr. Colman and carried with a unanimous vote.  Cllr. Colman thanked the Clerk for preparing the figures and dealing with the Minutes following a long and difficult meeting.

  1. d) To approve Precept on Wiltshire Council for 2025/26 RESOLVED to approve a Precept of £213006.30 for 2025/26 on proposal made by the Chairman, seconded by Cllr. A. Colman and carried with a unanimous vote. The Clerk was authorised to submit the precept form via email to Wiltshire Council.


  1. General Items


  1. Future meetings and events
  2. a) Cranborne Chase National Landscape (AONB) Planning Seminar – 3rd December 2024 Arrival from 9.30 for 10:00 am start until 4:00 pm. The New Remembrance Hall, Charlton, Nr. Shaftesbury, SP7 0PL – the Chairman said that he would be attending this meeting.
  3. b) Mere Xmas Light switch-on – Friday, 6th December at 6.00 pm
  4. c) Community Xmas Lunch – the Gillingham Christmas Lunch is being held at Milton on Stour this year and invitations have been extended to people from Mere as well. Booking forms are at the Post Office so please spread the word.
  5. d) Date of January 2025 Town Council meeting – It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Monday, 13th January


  1. Future agenda items
  • None


Meeting closed at 9.07 pm


Note:  Members are reminded that the Town Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.


*Further information on these items enclosed/attached

Agenda for Town Council meeting to be held on Monday, 13th January 2025

Mere Town Council

Town Clerk – Mrs. L. C. Wood


8th January 2025

 Dear Councillor,


You are summoned to a meeting of Mere Town Council to be held on Monday, 13th January 2025 at 7.00 pm  Duchy Manor, Springfield Road, Mere, Wiltshire.  BA12 6EW.  The meeting will consider the items set out below.


Before the meeting there will be a public session to enable the people of Mere to ask questions of, and make comments, regarding the Town Council.  Questions not answered at this meeting will be answered in writing to the person asking the question, or may appear as an agenda item for the next meeting.  Members of the public are asked to restrict their comments, and/or questions to three minutes.

Please Note: By entering the meeting room you are consenting to the use of your name being recorded in the Minutes.  The meeting may also be recorded by the press or members of the public.  Any person or organisation choosing to film, record or broadcast any meeting of the Council or its committees is responsible for any claims or other liability resulting from them so doing and by choosing to film, record or broadcast proceedings they accept that they are required to indemnify the Council, its members and officers in relation to any such claims or liabilities.

Any person who may find difficulty in access to the meeting through disability is asked to advise the Clerk by email ( at least 24 hours before the meeting so that every effort may be made to provide access.

Yours sincerely,



Lindsey Wood,

Town Clerk & RFO



Public Participation Session

Members of the public are invited to address the Council on any issue over which it has a power. This session will be limited to 15 minutes (3 minutes per speaker). The Chairman will convene the Town Council meeting after the public session (please note that once the meeting has been convened members of the public are no longer permitted to speak unless invited to do so by the Chairman).

Reports from local police representatives



  1. Apologies – To receive apologies for absence.


  1. To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting.

2.1 To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda

2.2 To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any)

2.3 To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate

A request for dispensation must be made on an individual basis


Members are invited to declare disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests in items on the agenda as required by the Mere Town Council Code of Conduct for Members and by the Localism Act 2011.  The disclosure must include the nature of the interest.  If you become aware, during the course of a meeting, of an interest that has not been disclosed under this item, you must immediately disclose it.  Whether you can remain in the meeting and the extent to which you can participate depends on the type of interest you have.


  1. Minutes – To resolve that the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday, 2nd December 2024 be approved as a correct record. (attached)


  1. Matters Arising from Public Session


  1. Matters Arising from previous Meetings (not covered by other agenda items)

*a) To consider whether or not the Town Council should seek legal advice for the restrictive covenants relating to the disposal of the land/property registered at St. Marys Church, Pettridge Lane, Mere. (information contained in Clerks Report & attached)


  1. Reports & Consultations
  2. a) Wiltshire Councillors Report

*b) Project Co-Ordinator’s Report (report attached)


  1. Planning

At the time of printing the agenda, there are no planning applications to consider.


  1. Highways, Rivers, Footpaths, Traffic & Transport
  2. a) To identify jobs for the Parish Steward, Sparkle Team and MyWiltshire reports.
  3. b) White Road to Burton Footpath – Cllr. George Jeans

*c) Wiltshire Local Transport Plan – LTP4 – Public Consultation on LTP4 runs from 28.11.24 until 24.1.215

  1. d) Report on North Dorset Transport Action Group Meeting held on Monday, 9th December – Cllr. J. Jordan


  1. Buildings, Open Spaces, Play Areas, Sports Grounds, Car Parks, Allotments & Cemeteries
  2. a) Review of Car Park lease/sponsorship strategy


  1. Finance, Policy & Resources

*a)  Payments – To review and authorise schedule of payments (attached)

  1. b) To note the reconciliations for November 2024; the Chairman to sign and verify against the bank statements seen

*c) Application to Lloyds Bank plc for the issue of a Business Debit Card – to approve resolution as detailed below:


  1. General Items

*a) Emergency Resilience Hub – Allocation of building for inclusion in the Wiltshire wide map of hubs (see information in Clerks Report)

  1. b) Communication Plan for the year – Cllr. Rachael Hansford

*c) Heart of Wessex Mayoral Strategic Authority Plans following the publication of the Devolution White Paper (information in Clerks Report)

*d) Local Council Elections – 1st May 2025 (information in Clerks Report)

*e) Wiltshire Marque business support accreditation scheme to help local food and drink businesses (information in Clerks Report)


  1. Future meetings and events


  1. Future agenda items


Note:  Members are reminded that the Town Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.


*Further information on these items enclosed/attached










Registered Charity No. 1093497



For Trustees to consider the following:


Submission of Annual Return for Mere Peace Memorial Sports & Recreation Ground Charity for Financial Year End 31.3.24













Agenda for Town Council meeting to be held on Monday, 2nd December 2024


27th November 2024

Dear Councillor,


You are summoned to a meeting of Mere Town Council to be held on Monday, 2nd December 2024 at 7.00 pm in the Andy Young Pavilion at Duchy Manor, Springfield Road, Mere, Wiltshire.  BA12 6EW.  The meeting will consider the items set out below.


Before the meeting there will be a public session to enable the people of Mere to ask questions of, and make comments, regarding the Town Council.  Questions not answered at this meeting will be answered in writing to the person asking the question, or may appear as an agenda item for the next meeting.  Members of the public are asked to restrict their comments, and/or questions to three minutes.

Please Note: By entering the meeting room you are consenting to the use of your name being recorded in the Minutes.  The meeting may also be recorded by the press or members of the public.  Any person or organisation choosing to film, record or broadcast any meeting of the Council or its committees is responsible for any claims or other liability resulting from them so doing and by choosing to film, record or broadcast proceedings they accept that they are required to indemnify the Council, its members and officers in relation to any such claims or liabilities.

Any person who may find difficulty in access to the meeting through disability is asked to advise the Clerk by email ( at least 24 hours before the meeting so that every effort may be made to provide access.

Yours sincerely,



Lindsey Wood,

Town Clerk & RFO



Public Participation Session

Members of the public are invited to address the Council on any issue over which it has a power. This session will be limited to 15 minutes (3 minutes per speaker). The Chairman will convene the Town Council meeting after the public session (please note that once the meeting has been convened members of the public are no longer permitted to speak unless invited to do so by the Chairman).

Reports from local police representatives



  1. Apologies – To receive apologies for absence.


  1. To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting.

2.1 To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda

2.2 To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any)

2.3 To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate

A request for dispensation must be made on an individual basis


Members are invited to declare disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests in items on the agenda as required by the Mere Town Council Code of Conduct for Members and by the Localism Act 2011.  The disclosure must include the nature of the interest.  If you become aware, during the course of a meeting, of an interest that has not been disclosed under this item, you must immediately disclose it.  Whether you can remain in the meeting and the extent to which you can participate depends on the type of interest you have.


  1. Minutes – To resolve that the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday, 4th November 2024 be approved as a correct record (Minutes attached). For Budget Committee to resolve that the Minutes of the Annual Budget Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 20th November 2024 be approved as a correct record (Minutes attached).


  1. Matters Arising from Public Session


  1. Matters Arising from previous Meetings (not covered by other agenda items)


  1. Reports & Consultations
  2. a) Wiltshire Councillors Report

*b) Project Co-Ordinator’s Report (attached)


  1. Planning
  2. a) Applications for consultation response:


Application Type: Full planning permission
Proposal: Carry out alterations to access, erect 6 no semi-detached dwellings and 1 no detached dwelling with associated parking and access arrangements (demolish existing church).
Site Address: Land North of St Marys Catholic Church, Pettridge Lane, Mere, BA12 6DG
Applicant: Clifton Diocese
Planning Register Link:


*Representation letters in respect of the above application have been received and redacted copies are included in the Clerks Report.


Application No: PL/2024/09884
Application Type: Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area
Proposal: T1 Birch 1/3 Reduction, shaping, target pruning
Planning Register Link:


Application No: PL/2024/09811
Application Type: Householder planning permission
Proposal: Attic conversion and installation of dormer window and 4no rooflights.
Site Address: 8 Lovage Way, Mere, Warminster, BA12 6RU
Planning Register Link:


Application No: PL/2024/10147
Application Type: Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area
Proposal: 1 – Sycamore tree – crown raise lower limbs to clear garage roof and Council land 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 – 6 x Sycamore trees – crown raise lower limbs to clear driveway 8 – Ash tree – crown raise to clear driveway 9 – Ash tree – crown raise to clear driveway and footpath
Planning Register Link:


* b) NEW APPLICATION for Premises Licence in respect of Sprout and Flower, The Square, Mere.  BA12 6DJ (details in Clerks Report & application form & plans attached))

*c) Consultation for redevelopment of Fives Court into Affordable Housing Independent Living apartments for people of 60 years and older – deadline for comments in 12th December 2024.  (Consultation Boards attached)

  1. Highways, Rivers, Footpaths, Traffic & Transport
  2. a) To identify jobs for the Parish Steward, Sparkle Team and MyWiltshire reports.

*b) Invitation to North Dorset Transport Action Group Meeting, Monday, 9th December 2024 at 2.30 pm the Council Chamber, Shaftesbury Town Hall. (details in Clerks Report & agenda attached)

  1. c) Report on LHFIG meeting held on Wednesday, 13th November 2024


  1. Buildings, Open Spaces, Play Areas, Sports Grounds, Car Parks, Allotments & Cemeteries

*a) Evaluation of Mere Firework event held on 9.11.24 and approval for next year’s event to be held on 8.11.25

*b) To consider banner requests from organisations for events in 2025 – as per Town Council’s banner policy.


  1. Finance, Policy & Resources

*a)  Payments – To review and authorise schedule of payments (attached)

*b) To note the reconciliations for October 2024; the Chairman to sign and verify against the bank statements seen

*c) To adopt recommendations made by Budget Meeting, as shown in Minutes of Budget Meeting held on Wednesday, 20th November 2024 (Minutes attached)

  1. d) To approve Precept on Wiltshire Council for 2025/26


  1. General Items


  1. Future meetings and events
  2. a) Cranborne Chase National Landscape (AONB) Planning Seminar – 3rd December 2024 Arrival from 9.30 for 10:00 am start until 4:00 pm. The New Remembrance Hall, Charlton, Nr. Shaftesbury, SP7 0PL
  3. b) Mere Xmas Light switch-on – Friday, 6th December at 6.00 pm
  4. c) Community Xmas Lunch
  5. b) Date of January 2025 Town Council meeting – Monday, 13th January


  1. Future agenda items


Note:  Members are reminded that the Town Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.


*Further information on these items enclosed/attached















Minutes of a meeting of Mere Town Council held on Monday, 4th November 2024

Mere Town Council

Town Clerk – Mrs. L. C. Wood


Minutes of a meeting of Mere Town Council held on Monday, 4th November 2024 at 7.00 pm in the Andy Young Pavilion, Duchy Manor, Springfield Road, Mere.


Present: Councillors John Jordan (Chair), Glen Ings (Vice-Chair), Sandra Catley, Aubrey Colman, Philip Coward, Rodney Coward, Rachael Hansford, Clive Hazzard, Raymond Hill, George Jeans, Linden Stone, & Lesley Traves.

4 members of the public


Public Participation Session

George Jeans said that he would be declaring a personal interest in the discussion on the public toilets and would not be voting on the matter.  He wanted to point out, however, that he was in favour of cars parking on the wide pavement to the north of the public toilets and wondered if moving the water filling station on to that elevation may cause a conflict.

It was explained that the old flag pole had been removed and Cllr. Jeans volunteered to erect a temporary flagpole for the Remembrance period.

Aubrey Colman asked if the cemetery grass could be cut.

Reports from local police representatives – None present

  1. Apologies for absence received from Cllr. Kate Symonds.


  1. To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting.
  • Clive Hazzard declared a pecuniary interest in Minute Ref: 493 a) Payments
  • John Jordan declared a personal interest in planning application PL/2024/09486
  • George Jeans declared a personal interest in Minute Ref: 492b)


  1. Minutes RESOLVED that the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday, 7th October 2024 be approved & signed as a correct record. (attached)


  1. Matters Arising from Public Session
  • None


  1. Matters Arising from previous Meetings (not covered by other agenda items)
  2. Minute Ref. 475b) Commemoration for Dr. David Longbourne – the Chairman had been to discuss this with the family and the thought was that a little corner of the new cemetery with a couple of benches, rose bushes and perhaps a bird bath might be created and they felt that this would honour Dr. Longbourne marvellously. The Chairman and Cllr. Hill had identified an area in the cemetery that would be suitable for this.  RESOLVED that this should proceed as discussed.
  3. IT Support – this was raised at the last meeting and Cllr. Colman recommended some local IT support, which we have followed up and whilst this may help in one aspect, it wouldn’t help with the maintenance of the equipment, hardware and software issues and so we are still looking to see if it might be possible to find a company that can look after all our IT support requirements under one umbrella.


  1. Reports & Consultations
  2. Wiltshire Councillors Report
  • Fly Posting – requests for advertising with posters around the town should be given to
  • Still having difficulties to get a response regarding the lighting of the bollards along Eric Mitchell Way and so I have now emailed the leader of Wiltshire Council.
  • I have raised an issue, also with the leader of the Wiltshire Council, about a street light along Church Street that has not been working for 3 or 4 years.
  1. Project Co-Ordinator’s Report (report attached) – members noted information within the report. Roger Pipe talked about the MUGA and asked for thoughts on the possibilities.  In general, members felt that the any overhaul of the MUGA should enable as many sports as possible.  Catley said that she felt any future plans for refurbishment of the children’s play area in the Recreation Ground should encompass some inclusive and accessible playground equipment.


  1. Planning
  2. Applications for consultation response:


Application No: PL/2024/07389
Application Type: Prior approval Part 3 Class Q: Agricultural buildings to dwellinghouses
Proposal: Prior Approval Part 3 Class Q – Conversion of barn to residential dwelling
Planning Register Link:

The Chairman pointed out that the Town Council had supported a similar application for this property in 2022 but that the Planning Authority had objected on the grounds that the building was not capable of conversation without significant new building operation works being undertaken and that it was within close proximity of agricultural buildings which would detrimentally impact the amenity of future occupiers.  The Clerk read out the criteria for determination of prior approval and it was RESOLVED to recommend approval of the above application.

Application No: PL/2024/09486
Application Type: Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area
Proposal: Elder. Crown reduction and remove dead limb which is in contact with a garage. Blue arrow on photo. Bramley Apple. Crown reduction. Red arrow on photo.
Planning Register Link:

RESOLVED to recommend approval of the above application.

  1. Highways, Rivers, Footpaths, Traffic & Transport
  2. To identify jobs for the Parish Steward, Sparkle Team and MyWiltshire reports.
  • Hedge blocking pavement in Clements Lane
  • Leaves on the pavement at the top of White Road/Chetcombe Road

The Chairman complimented the Town Council’s grounds team on the clearance work they carried out on overgrowth along Dark Lane.

  1. LHFIG requests:
  2. To request the levelling of a 1.2m footpath width along the length of White Road from where it leaves the junction outside No. 18 to where it joins Footpath MERE20 otherwise known as Burton Path.

RESOLVED that the Town Council should focus on the LHFIG project requests that we have on the table at the present time rather than add more at this stage.

  1. To request 30mph speed limit sign be erected on the entrance to Woodlands Road

The Chairman pointed out that this road had street lights on its entrance and for quite some way which would tell all drivers that the speed limit is 30mph and therefore he didn’t think that the Highway Authority would approve the installation of signage.  RESOLVED that the Town Council should focus on the LHFIG project requests that we have on the table at the present time rather than add more at this stage.


  1. Buildings, Open Spaces, Play Areas, Sports Grounds, Car Parks, Allotments & Cemeteries
  2. Draft lease for Town Council space at Duchy Manor (draft lease attached and other comments in separate report) – members noted the information and the Chairman summarised key points:

RESOLVED to proceed with the recommendation i.e.  the Town Council should commission a building condition survey, which will identify defects in the building and likely costs of repair.

  1. To consider report, plans & costings for refurbishment of Public Toilets (report attached + copy of development appraisal and revised plans) – various options of the plans were explained by Roger Pipe with costings as provided by a quantity surveyor ranging from £130,000 to £184,000. Several councillors felt that this was far too much money for the Mere ratepayers to spend on the public toilets.  Whilst members felt that some improvements needed to be made to the public toilets and that the toilets were needed in the town it was agreed to revisit the refurbishment in the near future to give councillors a bit more time to think about how this could go forward, perhaps with some further costings from builders/plumbers to smarten up & repair what we have got rather than include so much structural work in a major refurbishment.


  1. Finance, Policy & Resources
  2. Payments RESOLVED to authorise schedule of payments (attached) -Cllr. Clive Hazzard, having declared a pecuniary interest, left the room whilst this matter was discussed and took no part in discussion or voting.
  3. To authorise signatures for Direct Debits for Northover Energy and AllStar Fuel Card Account – Jeans experience was that you need to monitor fuel cards because you get charged what the card company wants to charge and not the price of the fuel at the garage you have just used. Cllr. Stone suggested Fuel Genie – they charge you the price at the pump but that can only be used at supermarkets.  RESOLVED to approve the Direct Debit for Northover Energy but to explore the option of having a debit card or our bank account rather than a fuel card.
  4. To note the reconciliations for September 2024; the Chairman confirmed that he had verified the bank reconciliation against the bank statements and signed accordingly.


  1. General Items
  2. Briefing Note 24-19: Substantive Highways Scheme Fund 25-26 (Briefing Note attached) – Noted.


  1. Future meetings and events
  2. Invitation for The Chair and 3 members of the Town Council to the licensing service of Michael Molano, our new vicar on Tuesday, 26th November at 7pm at St. Michael’s– The Chairman said that he would be attending the event to welcome the vicar as Chair of the Council. Aubrey Colman, Rachael Hansford and Lesley Traves also accepted the invitation.  Some other councillors pointed out that they would be attending the event as representatives of other groups.
  3. LHFIG meeting to be held at 2.00 pm on Wednesday, 13th November at Nadder Centre, Tisbury SP3 6HJ & via Microsoft Teams – the Chairman said that he would be attending this meeting.
  4. South West Wiltshire Area Board Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 13th November at Wilton Community Centre, West Street, Wilton SP2 0DG from 6.00 pm – Cllr. Jeans said that he would be attending this meeting.
  5. Mere Town Council’s Annual Budget Meeting to be held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday, 20th November in the Andy Young Pavilion, Mere – Noted.
  6. Wiltshire Council’s consultation with Town Council and public to view proposals to redevelop Fives Court into Affordable Housing Independent Living apartments for people of 60 years and older to be held on Thursday, 21st November in the Andy Young Pavilion, Mere – timing details were not yet known but would be distributed to councillors nearer the time.


  1. Future agenda items – None


Meeting closed at 8.20 pm


Note:  Members are reminded that the Town Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.





Approved at Mere Town Council meeting held on 2nd December 2024



Signed:                                                                                                                                                                 Chair of meeting.






























Registered Charity No. 1093497


Meeting opened at 8.21 pm


For Trustees to consider the following:


  1. Payments:

Water2Business (supply to the old Mere Cricket Club – standing charge only)

23.3.24 – 9.10.24                                                                                                                    £38.83

RESOLVED to approve the above payment:


  1. Report on Seeds4Success AGM held on Thursday, 10th October 2024.

The Chairman reported on the AGM and said he was dumbfounded by the amount of money that Seeds4Success raise and also the amount of work that goes into providing all the services for the youth.  Cllr. Catley said that there is a lot more that goes on behind the scenes than we get to hear about at the AGM and applauded the good work of Seeds4Success.  Cllr. Colman said that he was concerned that there was a surplus amount of money in their bank accounts but the Chairman said that he thought it was probably prudent of the charity to build reserves in the same way that the Town Council builds reserves.


  1. To consider draft lease for Youth Club Building for Seeds4Success and appointment of surveyor (Draft lease & report from Project Co-Ordinator attached) – – with reference to the report prepared by Roger Pipe, Trustees RESOLVED to proceed with the commercial valuation and approved the expenditure.




Meeting closed at 8.30 pm















Minutes of a meeting of Mere Town Council held on Monday, 7th October 2024

Mere Town Council

Town Clerk – Mrs. L. C. Wood


Minutes of a meeting of Mere Town Council held on Monday, 7th October 2024 at 7.00 pm in the Andy Young Pavilion, Duchy Manor, Springfield Road, Mere, Wiltshire, BA12 6EW. 


Present:  Councillors John Jordan (Chair), Debbie Beale, Nick Beale, Sandra Catley, Aubrey Colman, Rodney Coward, Rachael Hansford, Raymond Hill, George Jeans,

4 members of the public


Public Participation Session

Judy Phillips publicised an event for the Read Easy organisation that offers 1-2-1 free coaching for adults who struggle to read or missed out in learning to read for one reason or another.  The coaching is carried out in a neutral place.  Some short videos are being shown at the URC Coffee morning at 10.30 am on Saturday, 19th October – this is not a fundraising event but an information event and all are welcome and please help publicise.

Aubrey Colman thanked those that attended the coffee morning that raised £660


Reports from local police representatives – None present

  1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Philip Coward, Glen Ings, Kate Symonds and Lesley Traves.


  1. Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting.

Cllr. George Jeans declared a pecuniary interest in Minute Ref: 480a) (Finance)


  1. Minutes RESOLVED that the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday, 2nd September 2024 be approved as a correct record. (attached)


  1. Matters Arising from Public Session
  • None


  1. Matters Arising from previous Meetings (not covered by other agenda items)

*a) Minute Ref. 464 b) Consultation on Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework (final submission attached) – The Chairman confirmed that the Town Council had submitted a consultation response that incorporated everyone’s feelings and thanked the Clerk for bringing this together.

*b) Minute Ref: 465b) Naming of footpath in memory of Dr David Longbourne – (see attached suggestions map) – the Chairman explained that he had been to see the Longbourne family and they were very honoured that the Town Council wanted to commemorate Dr. Longbourne in this way.  Whilst they were not against the idea of naming a path after him, they did suggest that as Dr. David Longbourne was such a keen gardener, whether there might be an opportunity to name a future road Longbourne Gardens or earmark a corner of the cemetery or some land somewhere as a spot to put a couple of benches and some shrubs instead.  It was agreed that this item should be deferred in order to allow councillors a bit more time to think about this.

  1. c) Minute Ref: 465 d) To report on LHFIG meeting held on 28.8.24 – complaint about lack of communication & progress – The Chairman confirmed that he had written an email to the Chair of the LHFIG on 26th September but had not yet received a response.
  2. d) Minute Ref: 468 d) 24-hour cashpoint machine – pictures of example stand-alone cashpoint machines were shown around. Cllr. Jeans explained the history of Post Office having a 24hour cashpoint machine as a ‘hole in the wall’ and how this was no longer possible. There was a suggestion that it be included as a ‘built in unit’ to be included within the public toilet refurbishment project. The Clerk said that it would be necessary to get design details of this because it would be necessary to find out how much space it took up and whether or not 24-hour access would need to be given.  Rodney Coward suggested that a stand-alone unit might go near the defibrillator in The Square.  It was agreed to defer this matter in order to get more information and specifications for built-in and stand-alone cashpoint machines.


  1. Reports & Consultations
  2. a) Wiltshire Councillors Report – Jeans supported the Town Council’s concerns about lack of progress and communication over LHFIG projects. Cllr. Jeans mentioned the RTA that took place at the top of Pettridge Lane this month and said that there had been calls from nearby residents to reduce the speed limit to 20mph although it was pointed out that this driver was 3 times over the alcohol limit and that any speed limit would not have made any difference. Extra light installations for the Church and Churchyard for Xmas was also mentioned.  Cllr. Jeans also said that a recent Appeal decision means that Wiltshire Council now only has a 3.85 years’ housing land supply which will have an impact on current planning applications and whether case officers can continue to defend appeals.  Wiltshire Council is working to update the housing land supply statement and hopes that this will be published next spring. The Clerk confirmed that Wiltshire Council is reviewing the Local Plan at a meeting on 15th October.

*b) Project Co-Ordinator’s Report (attached) – members noted the information in the report attached.

In respect of the Public Toilet refurbishment project the Chairman confirmed that there would be no decisions made until members saw the plans and quantity surveyor’s report.  It was pointed out that plans may need to be changed if the Council is going to consider using one of the toilet cubicles for a cashpoint machine and there was also another idea of using this toilet cubicle as a community fridge and foodbank distribution point.  There was a brief discussion over the fact that Wiltshire Council had still not responded to the question on the lighting on the Eric Mitchell Way.  Cllr. Colman asked to see a copy of the draft lease for Seeds4Success and asked why it was necessary to have a building surveyor and a quantity surveyor to survey the Youth Club building.  The Clerk said that she would ask the project co-ordinator to answer these questions, hopefully at the next meeting.

  1. c) Report on South West Wiltshire Area Board Meeting held on Wednesday, 11th September 2024 – the Chairman reported that the police can now determine which areas have speeding issues by using the data from the more sophisticated Speed Indicator Devices that the parishes have purchased. The Chairman suggested that the Town Council might like to look at including funds to purchase a more sophisticated Speed Indicator Device so that we can provide data to the police. The Chairman also said that he learned, at this meeting, that although our Neighbourhood Police Team is based in Warminster, our emergency response unit that deals with 999 calls has been moved from Warminster to Trowbridge so it could take at least 40 minutes to attend to an emergency.

*c) Wiltshire EV Charging Infrastructure Strategy (information in Clerks Report) – the Clerk confirmed that Wiltshire Council had secured £3.9 million capital grant funding to deploy EV infrastructure and they were looking at how they could help people that didn’t have off-street parking and asking people to identify streets where public chargers could be installed.  Members were invited to complete the survey (link in the Clerks Report)


  1. Planning
  2. a) Applications for consultation response:


Application No: PL/2024/08503
Application Type: Householder planning permission
Proposal: Single storey side extension
Site Address: Burton Farmhouse, Burton, Mere, Warminster, BA12 6BR
Planning Register Link:


RESOLVED to recommend approval of the above application.


Application No: PL/2024/08663
Application Type: Consent under Tree Preservation Orders
Proposal: T1 Walnut tree – Crown reduce canopy by 3 meters.
Planning Register Link:

RESOLVED to recommend approval of the above application.

Application No: PL/2024/08659
Application Type: Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area
Proposal: T1 Willow – Pollard, cutting back one meter beyond historic pollard points to preserve structure.
Planning Register Link:


RESOLVED to recommend approval of the above application.


Application No: PL/2024/02356 – Additional Information
Application Type: Full planning permission
Proposal: Alterations to facilitate change of use from office to 1no. dwelling. Raise wall to increase pitch of rear extension and installation of 2no. rooflights
Site Address: Stone Cottage, Salisbury Street, Mere, BA12 6HE
Planning Register Link:



In view of the Council’s previous objection relating to the fact that the property had not been marketed, the Clerk pointed out that additional information supplied seemed to relate to the marketing of the property although she could not ascertain, from this information, that this was evidence that the property had been marketed as a commercial property or part-commercial property and odd that it says that the shop had been in suspended animation since 2008 when in fact it had been used as a commercial premises and offices for the HR Support and Employment Consultancy business – as shown when carrying out a google search of Conundrum Consultancy and indeed, evidence that the property was used as collateral for the business is still available on Companies House: see

RESOLVED to defer to the planning officer’s consideration as to whether or not this property has been marketed in accordance with Wiltshire Council’s policies & procedures.

*b) Wiltshire Council’s Draft Enforcement Policy (information in Clerks Report) – it was pointed out that there had only been 6-days’ notice for the consultation on this 75-page document.  Cllr. Jeans spoke about the issues that he felt were important to mention relating to this Policy and said that he had written these down.  Members agreed that the Clerk should try and submit these points to the officer concerned in time for the Cabinet meeting tomorrow.


  1. Highways, Rivers, Footpaths, Traffic & Transport
  2. a) To identify jobs for the Parish Steward, Sparkle Team and MyWiltshire reports.
  • Publish a reminder to people to cut back their hedges in Mere Matters
  • Report Wiltshire Council owned hedges on MyWiltshire Reporting pages
  • The Clerk has a standard letter to send to people whose hedges are causing obstruction or visibility issues.

The Clerk informed members that the Town Council would be collecting 100 gel sacks to hand out to people that were concerned about flooding as part of the Parish Emergency Assistance Scheme with Wiltshire Council.


  1. Buildings, Open Spaces, Play Areas, Sports Grounds, Car Parks, Allotments & Cemeteries
  2. a) Use of Duchy Manor Sports Field and other facilities requested for the Friends of Mere School Fireworks event on Saturday, 9th November 2024 – the Clerk reported that the Friends of Mere School had written to ask if they could use Duchy Manor for their firework event again this year which they were proposing to hold on Saturday, 9th The Clerk reminded councillors that their feedback from last year’s event was to provide more police presence/marshalls to help with the on-street parking situation, particularly in the White Road & Hazzards Hill areas and also to provide more toilets. Members noted the reassurances that Mr. Bloomfield had provided about police presence for the event and their intentions to tape & cone off Hazzards Hill.  Members felt that this was an excellent event that brought a lot of people into Mere and raised a lot of money for the school and were happy to grant permission for the use of Duchy Manor and raised the following points:
  • Drivers got stuck in the Recreation Ground car park last year because they were too tightly parked and they couldn’t manoeuvre out– It was agreed that it would be better for the committee to provide marshalls to stop people from driving into Queens Road altogether but it was agreed that it probably wouldn’t be helpful to lock the Recreation ground car park gates as access may be needed for emergency reasons. Sandra Catley agreed that she would lock the Recreation Car Park Gates later on that evening.
  • The Chairman suggested that the Committee might like to contact the Dorset Marshalls as they have the experience to help with the parking situation (The Chairman would be happy to get contact details from the Carnival Committee).
  • The Council agreed to provide a donation to the committee for the provision of 2 X portaloos (The Clerk had secured a quotation from Rob Peale and 2 x portaloos, delivered to Duchy Manor would cost £216.)
  1. b) Break in to chapel 12.9.24 – the Clerk informed members that the south chapel at the cemetery was broken into on Thursday 12th As the chapel is no longer used for storage there was nothing stolen and some minor damage to the alarms and padlock which have subsequently been replaced. The break-in has been reported to the police.
  2. c) EV Charging Spaces at Salisbury Street Car ParkRESOLVED to authorise the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to sign Licence Agreement between Mere Town Council and Pluscharge Limited and note Operating Agreement between Wiltshire Council and Pluscharge Limited


  1. Finance, Policy & Resources

*a) PaymentsRESOLVED to authorise schedule of payments (attached) – The Clerk confirmed that there had been issues this month with Forge Garages not having any fuel and this necessitated the Clerk having to travel with the grounds staff to get fuel at a different filling station so now the Council was looking into getting an AllStar Fuel Card Account Card.  Having declared a pecuniary interest in the above item, Cllr. Jeans left the room whilst this matter was discussed and took no part in voting.  The Clerk also confirmed that the staff’s First Aid at Work certification had expired and had the opportunity to get a trainer in that would do a class for 10 and as we would only need 4 spaces, we could put this out to local businesses and organisations to see if they might be interested in sharing costs.  All agreed that this was a good idea.

  1. b) To note the reconciliations for August 2024; the Chairman confirmed that he had verified the bank reconciliation against the bank statements and signed accordingly.
  2. c) To report on the completion of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) Review for the Town Council for the year ended 31 March 2024 and consider the external auditor report and certificate and publish the Notice of Conclusion of Audit – the Clerk confirmed that she had received the external auditor report and certificate details and that there were no matters arising from the review. A “Notice of conclusion of audit” would now be published on the Town Council’s website.
  3. d) Wiltshire Towns Programme – Year 3 (24/25) & Year 4 (25/26) (information attached) – the Chairman explained that Wiltshire Council had changed the criteria for the Wiltshire Towns Programme and said that a draft Action Plan had been distributed showing how the Council could claim the funds. RESOLVED to submit the draft Action Plan with the amendment to remove mention of ‘recycled plastic materials’ and substitute this with ‘suitable materials’.
  4. e) Do we want to renew VisitWiltshire subscriptionRESOLVED that the Town Council should no longer subscribe to VisitWiltshire and to advise the Chamber of Trade of this action so that they can take it up if they wish to.
  5. f) To set date, venue and membership for Annual Budget Meeting – it was agreed that the Annual Budget Meeting would be held on Wednesday, 20th November at 7.00 pm with membership make-up: Chairman, Vice-Chair, S. Catley, A. Colman, R. Hansford, G. Jeans, L. Traves + C. Hazzard & P. Coward (N. Beale as reserve)

*(g) Wiltshire Independent Remuneration Panel – Allowances Survey for City, Town & Parish Councils (information in Clerks Report) – the Clerk explained that the Town Council does not currently provide allowances for councillors although an allowance is given to the Chairman for expenses and individual councillors can claim travel expenses if they need to attend a meeting on behalf of the councillors.  It was agreed that councillors should complete the online survey individually if they wanted to.

*h) IT support (information in Clerks Report) – members noted the information in the Clerks Report, Cllr. Colman said that he would provide the Clerk with details of a business based in Mere that also offered the services required by the Town Council so that they could be included in the contract process.


  1. General Items

*a) Wiltshire Emergency Contacts Hub (information in Clerks Report) – it was agreed to give this matter some further thought.

*b) Update and feedback on the DRAFT Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) for Wiltshire & Swindon (information in Clerks Report) – the Chairman confirmed that there was a survey to complete on this and asked members to do so and submit their comment by Friday.


  1. Future meetings and events
  2. a) Seeds4Success 2024 AGM to be held on Thursday, 10th October 2024 from 7.00 pm at Mere Youth Centre (you can also attend via Zoom online – please contact me for joining details) – Cllrs. Sandra Catley, Aubrey Colman, George Jeans and John Jordan said that they would be attending the meeting.


  1. Future agenda items

Cllr. Rachael Hansford asked if the Town Council could set up an online calendar for events that will be held in the town.


Meeting closed at 9.02 pm


Note:  Members are reminded that the Town Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.


*Further information on these items enclosed/attached










Agenda for Town Council meeting to be held on Monday, 4th November 2024

Mere Town Council

Town Clerk – Mrs. L. C. Wood


30th October 2024

 Dear Councillor,


You are summoned to a meeting of Mere Town Council to be held on Monday, 4th November 2024 at 7.00 pm in The Andy Young Pavilion, Duchy Manor, Springfield Road, Mere, Wiltshire.  BA12 6EW.  The meeting will consider the items set out below.


Before the meeting there will be a public session to enable the people of Mere to ask questions of, and make comments, regarding the Town Council.  Questions not answered at this meeting will be answered in writing to the person asking the question, or may appear as an agenda item for the next meeting.  Members of the public are asked to restrict their comments, and/or questions to three minutes.

Please Note: By entering the meeting room you are consenting to the use of your name being recorded in the Minutes.  The meeting may also be recorded by the press or members of the public.  Any person or organisation choosing to film, record or broadcast any meeting of the Council or its committees is responsible for any claims or other liability resulting from them so doing and by choosing to film, record or broadcast proceedings they accept that they are required to indemnify the Council, its members and officers in relation to any such claims or liabilities.

Any person who may find difficulty in access to the meeting through disability is asked to advise the Clerk by email ( at least 24 hours before the meeting so that every effort may be made to provide access.

Yours sincerely,



Lindsey Wood,

Town Clerk & RFO



Public Participation Session

Members of the public are invited to address the Council on any issue over which it has a power. This session will be limited to 15 minutes (3 minutes per speaker). The Chairman will convene the Town Council meeting after the public session (please note that once the meeting has been convened members of the public are no longer permitted to speak unless invited to do so by the Chairman).

Reports from local police representatives



  1. Apologies – To receive apologies for absence.


  1. To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting.

2.1 To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda

2.2 To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any)

2.3 To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate

A request for dispensation must be made on an individual basis


Members are invited to declare disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests in items on the agenda as required by the Mere Town Council Code of Conduct for Members and by the Localism Act 2011.  The disclosure must include the nature of the interest.  If you become aware, during the course of a meeting, of an interest that has not been disclosed under this item, you must immediately disclose it.  Whether you can remain in the meeting and the extent to which you can participate depends on the type of interest you have.


  1. Minutes – To resolve that the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday, 7th October 2024 be approved as a correct record. (attached)


  1. Matters Arising from Public Session


  1. Matters Arising from previous Meetings (not covered by other agenda items)
  2. Minute Ref. 475b) Commemoration for Dr. David Longbourne
  3. IT Support


  1. Reports & Consultations
  2. Wiltshire Councillors Report
  3. Project Co-Ordinator’s Report (report attached)


  1. Planning
  2. Applications for consultation response:


Application No: PL/2024/07389
Application Type: Prior approval Part 3 Class Q: Agricultural buildings to dwellinghouses
Proposal: Prior Approval Part 3 Class Q – Conversion of barn to residential dwelling
Planning Register Link:


Application No: PL/2024/09486
Application Type: Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area
Proposal: Elder. Crown reduction and remove dead limb which is in contact with a garage. Blue arrow on photo. Bramley Apple. Crown reduction. Red arrow on photo.
Planning Register Link:





  1. Highways, Rivers, Footpaths, Traffic & Transport
  2. To identify jobs for the Parish Steward, Sparkle Team and MyWiltshire reports.
  3. LHFIG requests:
  4. To request the levelling of a 1.2m footpath width along the length of White Road from where it leaves the junction outside No. 18 to where it joins Footpath MERE20 otherwise known as Burton Path.
  5. To request 30mph speed limit sign be erected on the entrance to Woodlands Road


  1. Buildings, Open Spaces, Play Areas, Sports Grounds, Car Parks, Allotments & Cemeteries
  2. Draft lease for Town Council space at Duchy Manor (draft lease attached and other comments in separate report)
  3. To consider report, plans & costings for refurbishment of Public Toilets (report attached + copy of development appraisal and revised plans)


  1. Finance, Policy & Resources
  2. Payments – To review and authorise schedule of payments (attached)
  3. To authorise signatures for Direct Debits for Northover Energy and AllStar Fuel Card Account
  4. To note the reconciliations for September 2024; the Chairman to sign and verify against the bank statements seen


  1. General Items
  2. Briefing Note 24-19: Substantive Highways Scheme Fund 25-26 (Briefing Note attached)


  1. Future meetings and events
  2. Invitation for The Chair and 3 members of the Town Council to the licensing service of Michael Molano, our new vicar.
  3. LHFIG meeting to be held at 2.00 pm on Wednesday, 13th November at Nadder Centre, Tisbury SP3 6HJ & via Microsoft Teams
  4. South West Wiltshire Area Board Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 13th November at Wilton Community Centre, West Street, Wilton SP2 0DG from 6.00 pm
  5. Mere Town Council’s Annual Budget Meeting to be held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday, 20th November in the Andy Young Pavilion, Mere.
  6. Wiltshire Council’s consultation with Town Council and public to view proposals to redevelop Fives Court into Affordable Housing Independent Living apartments for people of 60 years and older to be held on Thursday, 21st November in the Andy Young Pavilion, Mere.


  1. Future agenda items


Note:  Members are reminded that the Town Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.











Registered Charity No. 1093497


For Trustees to consider the following:

  1. Water2Business (supply to the old Mere Cricket Club – standing charge only)

23.3.24 – 9.10.24                                                                                                                                                            £38.83


  1. Report on Seeds4Success AGM held on Thursday, 10th October 2024.


  1. To consider draft lease for Youth Club Building for Seeds4Success and appointment of surveyor (Draft lease & report from Project Co-Ordinator attached)
















Wiltshire Council Local Plan

The Local Plan consultation begins on Wednesday 27 September, with 16 in-person drop-in events being held across the county. Find out more about the events:
There will be an in-person drop-in Local Plan event at The Nadder Centre, Tisbury on Wednesday 4th October from 3pm-7pm so please come along to find out more. There will also be an online event on Tuesday 10 October. Info:

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2024

Mere Town Council (Wiltshire)


Notice of conclusion of audit

Annual Governance & Accountability Return for the year ended 31 March 2024

Sections 20(2) and 25 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014

Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234)


  1. The audit of accounts for Mere Town Council (Wiltshire) for the year ended 31 March 2024 has been completed and the accounts have been published.


  1. The Annual Governance & Accountability Return is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of Mere Town Council (Wiltshire) on application to:


Lindsey Wood,

Town Clerk,

Mere Town Council,

Duchy Manor,

Springfield Road,



BA12 6EW

Tel: 01747 860701


Days and times of availability: Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays between 10.00 am & 3.00 pm


  1. Copies will be provided to any person on payment of £1 for each copy of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return.


Announcement made by: Lindsey Wood, Town Clerk, Mere Town Council

Date of announcement:    30th September 2024


Minutes of a Town Council meeting held on Monday, 2nd September 2024

Mere Town Council

Town Clerk – Mrs. L. C. Wood



Minutes of a meeting of Mere Town Council held on Monday, 2nd September 2024 at 7.00 pm at Duchy Manor, Springfield Road, Mere, Wiltshire, BA12 6EW.  The meeting will consider the items set out below. 


Present:  Councillors John Jordan (Chair), Glen Ings (Vice-Chair), Debbie Beale, Nick Beale, Aubrey Colman, Philip Coward, Rachael Hansford, Clive Hazzard, Raymond Hill, George Jeans, Linden Stone, Kate Symonds & Lesley Traves

4 members of the public


Public Participation Session

Five members of the public spoke in objection to the planning application for a new detached dwelling adjacent to Long Cottage, North Street, Mere and mentioned issues with parking spaces, vehicular access, pedestrian access, drainage and sewerage and said that there should be a climate strategy and environmental study to accompany the planning application.  Concerns about the scale/measurements of the plans were also raised.

The Chairman announced that some councillors and relatives of the late Eric Mitchell came along last week to unveil the name signs for footpaths 50 & 66 now known as ‘Eric Mitchell Way’.

  1. Apologies for absence received from Councillors Sandra Catley & Rodney Coward.


  1. Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting.
  • Glen Ings declared a pecuniary interest in planning application PL/2024/07693
  • Clive Hazzard declared a personal interest in planning application PL/2024/07693 (he pointed out that North Street Nurseries used to own the site but that there was no longer any ownership connection to the site)


*460. Minutes RESOLVED that the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 1st July 2024 be approved as a correct record and APPROVED the contents of Delegated Decision Report dated 8.8.24.


  1. Matters Arising from Public Session
  • None


  1. Matters Arising from previous Meetings (not covered by other agenda items)
  • None


  1. Reports & Consultations
  2. a) Wiltshire Councillors Report – Jeans said that although copies of the consultation documents had been sent to some of the Wiltshire Libraries, they had not been sent to Mere Library and he had made representations about this with no success. Cllr. Debbie Beale volunteered to print out a copy of the draft Wiltshire Gypsy and Travellers Development Plan and take it to the Mere Library for people to read. The Clerk reported that Wiltshire Council now had a new Chief Executive – Lucy Townsend.

*b) Project Co-Ordinator’s Report (attached) – Report noted.

*c) Report on AIM event (attached) – The Chairman reported that the AIM event had been very successful and thanked the people that took part in the activities as well as all those that helped to organise it.  He said that any prospects of holding a similar event next year would be dependent on funding.


  1. Planning
  2. a) Applications for consultation response:


Application No: PL/2024/07515
Application Type: Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area
Proposal: T1 Pittosporum – Reduce the height by up to 2 metres and spread by up to 1.5 metres on all sides.
Planning Register Link:

RESOLVED to recommend approval of the above application.

 Application No: PL/2024/07480
Application Type: Removal/variation of conditions
Proposal: Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans) and 4 relating to application 21/01808/FUL
Site Address: Dews Pasture, Burton Farm, Burton, Mere, Warminster, BA12 6BR
Planning Register Link:

RESOLVED to object to the above application for the following reasons:   [In order not to compromise his position as Wiltshire Councillor, Cllr. Jeans abstained from voting on this matter.]

The Town Council approved the original planning application 21/01808/FUL on condition that the property had an agricultural occupancy condition.  The original application was approved by the Planning Department in 2021 with the planning officer stating under “Siting, scale, design and impact on the character of the Special Landscape Area (SLA)” –  ‘the proposed dwelling is, in my view, of a size that is commensurate with the identified essential need and the proposed dwelling was therefore considered to be acceptable in terms of scale.’  The planning officer also concluded that “the proposed development would not unduly disturb, interfere, conflict with or overlook adjoining dwellings or uses to the detriment of existing occupiers and appropriate levels of amenity are achievable within the development, in accordance with CP57.’  The proposed dwelling under the original application had two bedrooms and two parking spaces.  It would appear that the applicant now wishes to build the agricultural workers dwelling to a different design to provide three bedrooms and an office and to re-orientate the building by 90 degrees on the site.   In response to a planning application submitted by the same applicant (albeit in a slightly different location) that was refused by the planning authority in 2022 (PL/2022/06854), the planning officer stated: ‘The consented dwelling does not provide for a farm office.  No clear reasons or evidence has been given to explain this additional element or the need for larger accommodation, when the justified essential need and business proposition apparently remains unchanged.  The enlarged and re-sited dwelling is therefore unjustified…”    He also pointed out in his report that “the proposed dwelling is not for occupation by the general public, but an agricultural worker caring for the calves in the adjacent barns.”  The Town Council feels that the planning application and planning statement does not provide sufficient justification to demonstrate the need for the additional bedroom, farm office or re-orientation of the building and nor does it appear that the functional needs of the farm have changed and therefore members felt unable to support the application.


Application No: PL/2024/07693
Application Type: Full planning permission
Proposal: New detached dwelling with associated works
Site Address: Long Cottage, North Street, Mere, Warminster, BA12 6HH
Planning Register Link:


Having declared a prejudicial interest in the above planning application, Cllr. Glen Ings left the meeting whilst this application was discussed/considered and took no part in discussion.

RESOLVED to object to the above application for the following reasons: .  [In order not to compromise his position as Wiltshire Councillor, Cllr. Jeans abstained from voting on this matter.]

The Highways Department states that they are satisfied that adequate parking has been shown for both the existing and new units.  However, we believe that there may be an anomaly in the provision that is shown and the actual provision that may be achieved.  There is one proposed parking space shown on the plans for Long Cottage (outside the stone barn).  There is another parking space shown alongside (not allocated to any particular property), in front of the corrugated metal shed.  The scaled parking width on the proposed Site Plan & Floor Plans would suggest that the available parking width is approximately 2.5m.  However, it is believed that the available parking width is much narrower (between 1.67m and 1.95m).  Given that the standard parking space for parallel parking is 2m X 6m on a road where both doors can be opened, the Town Council feels that it would be impossible to achieve these off-road parking spaces adjacent to the building.  Indeed, it is noted that the Design & Access Statement says in 7.5 that the proposals also include external works to the street, within the ownership of Long Cottage, by reducing the width of the stone chip tarmac with a strip of block paving.  The Town Council is concerned that the reduction of the width of the road by nearly 1m may therefore impede access for the other properties that have access rights to the road when the cars are parked in the allocated parking spaces.


We note that within this application is the proposal to remove the garage/store adjacent to Long Cottage in order to create a courtyard area as amenity space for Long Cottage.  This will also leave a detached, dilapidated stone barn in the middle of the site.  Furthermore, whilst we realise that we can only consider the plans and drawings presented to us, there is concern that the stone barn structure may later be the subject of future development proposals which would require more off-site parking provision and, indeed, this may impede the provision of the unallocated parking space altogether.  If this is the case then the Highway Officer’s view that one additional small dwelling would be unlikely to present a significant highway safety concern would become invalid.  Existing on-street parking in North Street is heavily congested and there is no further capacity for on-street parking along the street and therefore it is vital to be able to accommodate sufficient parking.  I am attaching photo captures from Google streetview showing the current problems with on-street parking in North Street (see photo 2 & 3).  The on-street parking situation is, however, even more congested during the evening and weekends.


The Town Council feels that the proposed development will result in overcrowding of the site resulting in a cramped form of restricted development with little amenity space around it and a front door coming out directly onto the road.


The new plot is squeezed into the site with only 1m space behind and in front and a small garden area.  There is no provision shown on the plans for bin storage capacity either for the new plot or for Long Cottage.  Therefore, we assume that the bin storage will need to be accommodated within the small garden areas for both properties as there is insufficient room for them elsewhere.


We cannot find any biodiversity report nor consideration for climate strategy measures or renewable energy provision within this planning application which is very disappointing and does not conform to the Town Council’s Biodiversity Strategy.


Concerns that there is a certain amount of speculation relating to the future purpose/intention for the dilapidated stone barn that sits in between the new plot and Long Cottage.  As you can see from photo capture 1 – the outside stonework of this building has been crumbling into the area that is roped off.    As the whole site is owned by the applicant it would be preferable if the purpose/intention for this building were to be included within the plans in order to avoid conjecture and take away any element of guesswork.



Although not a planning consideration, given the fact that the road outside this site is a private road and access needs to be maintained for all properties that have access rights and given the fact that it is proposed to demolish the garage part of Long Cottage which has a building behind it, and given the fact that the development site is fairly cramped with little off-road space, we would stress the importance of communication with adjoining landowners and requirements of the Party Wall Act 1996


*b) Consultation on Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system (Consultation runs from Tuesday, 30th July 2024 until Tuesday, 24th September) See:

Notes from Chairman attached

Link to Wiltshire Council’s webinar:

The Chairman stressed the importance of the Town Council responding to this consultation as well as the importance of individuals responding to this consultation.  It was agreed that the Chair, along with Cllrs. Nick Beale, Debbie Beale, Rachael Hansford, George Jeans and Lesley Traves would get together to form a draft response to the consultation which could then be distributed to councillors for final comment before submission by the deadline on 24th September.

  1. c) Consultation on the draft Wiltshire Gypsy and Travellers Development Plan (Consultation runs from Tuesday, 20th August until Friday, 4th October 2024) For further information see:

The Chairman explained that he had looked at this in detail and the consultation really relates to whether or not the draft Plan complies with the relevant legal requirements and regulations in the way it has been prepared, including the duty to co-operate, and the soundness of their proposals.  It was felt that the Town Council had insufficient expertise to be able to comment on the legal compliance, soundness and whether or not this Plan met the Duty to Cooperate.


  1. Highways, Rivers, Footpaths, Traffic & Transport
  2. a) To identify jobs for the Parish Steward, Sparkle Team and MyWiltshire reports – the Chairman said that he had received requests to ask the Parish Steward to tidy up Dark Lane, especially overhanging foliage.
  3. b) Naming of footpath in memory of Dr. David Longbourne – Kate Symonds asked if the Town Council were in support of naming a footpath after Dr. David Longbourne. She said that she was aware of two different footpaths that had been suggested, one of which already had a name, but said there may be more but wondered if the question might be put to the family for them to decide. There was a discussion as to the wording on any such nameplate but it was RESOLVED that the Town Council would look at naming a footpath after Dr. David Longbourne – the details on exact wording to be decided later and the exact route to be discussed at a later meeting with a view of reaching a consensus that can be put to the family for consideration.

*c) Public Consultation on proposed Traffic Regulation Order to extend 30mph speed limit along Shaftesbury Road (in Clerks Report) – the Chairman confirmed that the details were covered in the Clerks Report.  He said that one member of the public had raised comments on what he believed to be errors in the proposed Traffic Regulator Orders to Wiltshire Council but that the Town Council would leave Wiltshire Council to deal with this direct.  RESOLVED to respond to the consultation in support of the proposed Traffic Regulation Order to extend the 30mph speed limit along Shaftesbury Road.

  1. d) To report on LHFIG meeting held on 28.8.24 – The Chairman reported that he and Roger Pipe (Town Council’s Project Co-Ordinator) had attended the LHFIG meeting on 28th Both had arrived early because they wanted to talk to Paul Shaddock about trying to get some of Mere’s issues moving and Roger was very forceful about the fact that he doesn’t get any response from Paul Shaddock to emails which is extremely frustrating because we can’t find out what is happening. The Chairman said that he was going to make contact with the Chair of the meeting, Bridget Wayman, about the lack of progress on any of the Mere issues and particularly the question of who is accepting responsibility for the payment of the electricity for the lighting of Eric Mitchell Way as it is likely that the clocks will change before this matter is resolved.

The Chairman also stated that he wouldn’t be at all surprised if Town and Parish Council contributions were raised above 25% in the future as it is fairly obvious that their finances will not be sufficient to deal with all the issues that are put forward.

It was agreed that a formal complaint to Bridget Wayman about the lack of responses to any correspondence and to question whether the reason for this is a completely unrealistic workload and whether the job of progressing the LHFIG is completely unsustainable in terms of officer time.


  1. Buildings, Open Spaces, Play Areas, Sports Grounds, Car Parks, Allotments & Cemeteries
  2. a) Use of Duchy Manor foyer for foodbank distribution on Saturday mornings – the Chairman confirmed that this had been happening over the summer without problem and it was RESOLVED that this practice could continue. The Chairman said that the Town Council would be discussing the use of a fridges in the kitchen for the Foodbank in the near future but felt that it was inappropriate to consider this until the Town Council had a lease in place.


  1. Finance, Policy & Resources

*a)  PaymentsRESOLVED to authorise payments as detailed in the schedule of payments (attached)

  1. b) To note the bank reconciliations for month ending June 2024 and July 2024; the Chairman confirmed that he had verified the bank reconciliation against the bank statements and signed accordingly.

*c) To consider Budget/Expenditure report prepared for quarter ending 30.6.24 (attached) – it was pointed out that the Town Council’s spending against the budget was showing a shortfall of £15,254.36 at the end of the first quarter.  However, the Clerk was confident that this shortfall would be reduced as the year progressed.

*d) To review Procurement Policy (attached) to take account of changes in Procurement Thresholds – see NALC Legal Topic Note 87 – 24.1.24 (attached) – RESOLVED to adopt the Procurement Policy as reviewed without further amendment.


  1. General Items

*a) To note Clerks research on Forest Deer Leazeholders and consider way forward (attached) – members noted, with interest, the information that had been presented and agreed to take up the Clerk’s suggestions as follows:

  • contact Dorset County Council and get an up-to-date register for the Forest Deer Leazes and any other common land in the vicinity.
  • contact Wiltshire Council to get an up-to-date register of Common Land within the parish of Mere.
  • ensure that a commons association is re-formed for the Forest Deer Leazes with detailed discussions on the financial situation and what to do about back rents and back payments that have been missed. Bank accounts, signatories and banking rights would also need to be discussed.
  1. b) Does Mere want/need a 24-hour cashpoint machine? – the general concensus was that a 24-hour cash machine would be a useful facility. Jeans said that about three years ago a planning application was approved for him to have a 24-hour cashpoint machine outside the post office. However, this did not go forward and it is no longer a feasible option.  The only alternative is to have a stand-alone ATM booth which would take up too much space to house outside the Post Office as it would cause an obstruction.  There was a discussion about whether or not one of these stand-alone ATM booths could be housed in the car park and the general feeling was that members felt that a 24-hour ATM machine would be a useful facility but they didn’t want to commit to installing one anywhere until they had further information such as what it would look like, where it would go and how it would be managed.


  1. Future meetings and events
  2. a) Invitation to Community First AGM 2024 on Wednesday, 9th October, meeting 6-7.30 pm, Devizes Town Hall
  3. b) South West Wiltshire Area Board meeting to be held on 11th September 2024 at 6.30 pm at East Knoyle Village Hall.

*c) Invitation to Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch Association AGM, Saturday 5th October at Wiltshire Police HQ, Devizes commencing at 10 am

  1. Future agenda items


Note:  Members are reminded that the Town Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.


*Further information on these items enclosed/attached



Meeting closed at 8.58 pm