Agenda for Town Council meeting 2.11.20
Mere Town Council
Town Clerk – Mrs. L. C. Wood
Duchy Manor,
Springfield Road,
BA12 6EW
Phone: 01747 860701
29th October 2020
To: Members of Mere Town Council,
You are summoned to a meeting of Mere Town Council for the transaction of the business shown on the agenda below. To be held on Monday, 2nd November 2020 at 6.00 pm online at
Yours sincerely,
Lindsey Wood,
Town Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer
Joining instructions and the meeting ID and passcode for video and audio (telephone) conference are given below:
Meeting ID: 912 5169 0298
Passcode: 930433
One tap mobile
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+13462487799,,91251690298#,,,,,,0#,,930433# US (Houston)
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Meeting ID: 912 5169 0298
Passcode: 930433
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All attendees should try to join the meeting at least 5 minutes prior to the start of the meeting to allow for any connection problems.
This meeting will be held in accordance with s.78 of the Coronavirus Act 2020, The Local Authorities Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authorities and Crime Panels Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.
The 2020 Regulations enable local councils to hold remote meetings (including by video and telephone conferencing) for a specified period until May 2021.
Public Participation
Due to the current government coronavirus response, the Town Council will be meeting online. Members of the public who wish to join the meeting to submit their questions or comments under ‘Public Session’ should contact the Clerk in advance of the meeting via email on The Clerk will then send out the meeting ID and passcode.
Online Meeting Arrangements
The Chairman will host the meeting, attendees will be muted and councillors invited to speak in turn at each agenda item. Councillors may raise their hand to indicate that they wish to speak at other times. Voting will be taken in turn as directed by the Chairman and should be by the response ‘In Favour’, ‘Against’ or ‘Abstain’, The decision and summary of votes will be read back before moving to the next item.
Public Session
Members of the public are invited to address the Council on any issue over which it has a power. This session will be limited to 15 minutes (3 minutes per speaker). The Chairman will convene the Town Council meeting after the public session (please note that once the meeting has been convened members of the public are no longer permitted to speak unless invited to do so by the Chairman).
Please Note: By entering the meeting room you are consenting to the use of your name being recorded in the Minutes. The meeting may also be recorded by the press or members of the public. Any person or organisation choosing to film, record or broadcast any meeting of the Council or its committees is responsible for any claims or other liability resulting from them so doing and by choosing to film, record or broadcast proceedings they accept that they are required to indemnify the Council, its members and officers in relation to any such claims or liabilities.
- Apologies – To receive any apologies for absence and to note/consider the reasons for the absence.
- To receive declarations of interest from members and to consider requests for new DPI dispensations.
Members are invited to declare disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests in items on the agenda as required by the Mere Town Council Code of Conduct for Members and by the Localism Act 2011.
(a) To receive Declarations of Interest relating to matters contained in this agenda, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 in respect of officers and the Localism Act 2011 in respect of members.
(b) To consider any dispensation requests received by the Town Clerk.
- Minutes – to approve Minutes of Town Council meeting held on Monday, 7th October 2020 and Minutes of Town Council meeting held on Monday, 12th October 2020.
- Matters Arising
- a) Minute No. 144a) Report on meeting between Chairman & M.P. Dr. Andrew Murrrison – update on correspondence from Dr. Murrison, MP
- b) Notice of Casual Vacancy
- Planning
- a) Applications: (All applications can be viewed on Wiltshire Council’s website – and type in the relevant application number)
Application Ref: | 20/06816/FUL |
Application for: | Full Planning |
Proposal: | Retrospective permission for erection of a garden room/shed and new 1.8m high fence along boundary of side garden |
At: | Martone, Springfield Road, Mere. BA12 6EW |
Application Ref: | 20/07643/FUL |
Application for: | Full Planning |
Proposal: | Change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for 4 gypsy families. Laying of hardstanding, access improvements and erection of two amenity buildings. |
At: | Land at Jane Oaks Farm, Mere, BA12 6LJ |
Application Ref: | 20/08238/FUL |
Application for: | Full Planning |
Proposal: | Extension to existing light industrial and storage building and renovation of existing lean-to building. |
At: | Yard at Wet Lane, Mere. BA12 6BA |
Application Ref: | 20/08262/LBC |
Application for: | Listed Building Consent |
Proposal: | Replacement of two garages with a holiday cottage |
At: | The Butt of Sherry, Castle Street, Mere. BA12 6JE |
Application Ref: | 20/08738/FUL |
Application for: | Full Planning |
Proposal: | Erection of an agricultural barn for the storage of fodder, machinery and livestock |
At: | Land North West of Black House Farm, Wet Lane, Mere. BA12 6BA |
Application Ref: | 20/09064/TCA |
Appllication for: | Work to Trees in Cons. Area |
Proposal: | T1 Ginko 1/3 reduction |
At: | The Old Rectory Cottage, Church Street, Mere. BA12 6DS |
Application Ref: | 20/09440/TCA |
Appllication for: | Work to Trees in a Cons. Area |
Proposal: | T1 Cherry tree – fell |
At: | Waterside Villa, Waterside, Mere. BA12 6EE |
*b) To acknowledge submission to Government’s White Paper: Planning for the Future
- Highways, Rivers, Footpaths, Traffic & Transport
- a) To identify jobs for the Parish Steward, Sparkle Team of MyWiltshire reports (Parish Steward is in Mere 3rd & 4th November)
- Buildings, Open Spaces, Play Areas, Sports Grounds, Allotments & Cemeteries
- a) Report on RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspections carried out in September
- b) Notice of Tree Preservation Order made by Wiltshire Council
- c) Review of HLS Scheme.
- Finance, Policy & Resources
*a) Payments – to approve payments set out in payment schedules attached
- b) To decide on details for Annual Budget meeting.
- c) Report on staff related matter
- General Items & Consultations/Briefing Notes
- a) Invitation to Seeds4Success 2020 AGM via Zoom on Wednesday, 18th November from 7.00 pm
*a) Briefing Note No. 20-33 – Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO)
- Future meetings and agenda items
Note: Members are reminded that the Town Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.
*Further information on these items enclosed/attached